Monday, October 4, 2010

The Abomination of the Obama Nation

During the 2008 election campaign an ardent Obama supporter famously said that once Obama became President she would no longer have a house or car payment.  After Obama got in, another supporter when asked where Obama got the money that he was giving away, said:  from his “stash.”   After Obama got his government medicine bill passed, some of his supporters deluged hospitals for their “free health care.”

It is tempting to think that the voters who elected the most socialist senator in living memory to be president of the United States are merely the most ignorant electorate this or any nation has ever spawned.  It is tempting to believe that President Barack Hussein Obama’s hardcore support or his Obama Nation is an Abomination to boot.  But this assertion would miss the point.  The problem with American style socialism such as Obama is peddling is that it is built on laziness.  The perfect symbols of this institutionalized laziness are the public employee unions in Greece and California.  In both cases they have bankrupted their respective governments.   In California, for instance, there are retired employees who are making more money than current workers.  The combination of benefits, salary, pensions, and state government supplied health care have bankrupted California and have caused that state  to issue funny money(IOU vouchers),  as well as reduce worker’s pay and hours.

Public employee unions the world over have sold their members on the notion that they need to make more money for less work.  In a free market capitalist system everyone knows this concept does not work.  It turns out that this system doesn’t work for government either.

What Obama seeks to do is to take this hideous economic scheme and use it to bankrupt the entire country.  He proposes to institutionalize laziness and greed in order to “make things fairer.”

For those who are unclear on the notion, government does not create wealth.  In the former Soviet Union, a centrally planned economy that Obama admired, the people used to say:  They pretend to pay us so we pretend to work.  Both Zimbabwe and the Weimar republic are emblematic of what happens if a government simply prints its way out of debt.   People wind up needing wheel barrows full of cash to pay for a loaf of bread.

A popular American magazine ran an edition that declared that we are all socialists now.  Most democrats and progressives spend all their time lying about what they are and what they believe so such candor can be little unsettling.  But if we are going to have little truth attack then we might as well ask:  China is a communist nation and they are doing so well that they loan the US money to keep us afloat.  What is wrong with Obama making the US communist besides the fact that he is being completely dishonest about it?  Well, dishonesty aside, what is wrong is Obama is trying to destroy the capitalist system through taxes, regulation, and bizarre carbon trading schemes.   In China, they have unleashed the capitalist system to do what it does best.  It is the money from that move that China has loaned us.  Even Cuba is trying to let in a little capitalism.  Barack Hussein Obama may be the only world leader trying to drag the corpse of a dead economic system off the ash heap of history and install it into a modern nation.  What could possible go wrong?

Bulletproof Surfboard

Cyber Sabotage and Stuxnet

Obama the Abominable

The Obama Nation Abomination

Posted via email from poetryman69's posterous

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