Wednesday, August 26, 2009
There is a saying: Think Globally act Locally. We begin with the universe, the cosmos. For some it helps to think of themselves as insignificant and the universe as vast. And so you ride seas of fate, driven by winds of change. The universe is benevolent and to paraphrase: all things work together for the good of those that believe.
For others the we are the way in which the universe knows itself. We are good because the universe is good or because we are good the universe is good. We change things by observing them so expect the best but prepare for the worst. Always be ready to be surprised at how well "that" went. What every "that" was.
The next part is to contemplate your local environment. See everyone around you as a source of good. Expect good things and good energy to come in your life. Cultivate an attitude of gratitude. Be happy with the things that are and look forward to things that will be. Look on the bright side. Seek the silver lining. Plant the seed. Planting the seed may be anything as varied as going back to school to study a neglected subject, taking up a new hobby or beginning a new relationship.
Connect the general to the specific. Connect the universal to the mundane. Practice and expect the Laws of Attraction. The entire universe is conspiring to bring good things into your life so let it
The is a concept amongst Jungian psychiatrists called the collective unconscious. Some are use the date 090909 to form a kind of collective unconscious with the goal of creating and spreading healing spiritual energies.
If you watch television or spend much time surfing the internet then you will see that we have a commercialized collective unconscious wherein we are all taught to want certain things. Some have the notion that you might be able to drive nations to purse peace if a majority of their citizens want it.
It is a given that if you have an additive illness the firs thing that has to happen is you have to want to change.
There will be many people celebrating on or about 9AM on 9 Sept 2009 local time. There will be events tweeted on twitter and you should be able to find events on Facebook. Google 090909 as we get nearer to the. There are concerts, festivals and prayins being planned. Decide whether you want a cyber celebration wherein you lurk and enjoy or whether you really want to go out see what folks have cooked up to tap in the global spiritual happening.
By the way, if somebody tells you that it's all made up, they are completely right. That's one of the secrets to life, somebody came up with everything you see including all that business of changing of the guard and Buckingham Palace or whatever. It doesn't have to be old to be significant and you don't have to the one billionth soul served like it was a spiritual hamburger. Some things are meaningful because you say they are.
If you are interest in spiritual awakenings then research the subject
Look into Meditation, affirmations and spiritual healing
Look into psychic and spiritual energy and New Age Religions
Beware of cults.
A cult is only interested in money and possessions
Cults seek to cut you off from family and friends
Cults often warn that outsiders will end the enlightenment through violence
* 090909
* Prayers of a Moon Angel
* Pray for Peace
* 9 Sept 2009
Monday, August 10, 2009
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Gop criticizes Obama Remarks on Gates Affair
Gates, if you are breaking into your own home, you are going to have to explain yourself. Sit down, Shut up, pull out your ID and go about your business. PS: Mr Gates. Get to know your neighbors. They should know if it’s you or a stranger trying to get in your house.
Barack Hussein Obama calls it stupid
GOP does not welcome Obama’s words
Monday, July 6, 2009
Prepare the Virgins!
There will be a lunar eclipse on the 7th Of July and a solar eclipse later in the month. Time for a bacchanal or sacrifice or something.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
700 NYC teachers paid to do nothing
Look for the Union Label.
New York, where you can’t paint anything over 8 feet unless a Union guy is watching you do it…
Turns out that in New York City Schools you get paid to perve to be incompetent and nasty. And they want this system to go nation wide….
Thursday, June 18, 2009

Getting an inexpensive computer does you little good if the software you need to be productive costs twice as much as the computer.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
How to Use up that Extra Beer |
Shared via AddThis
Beer for Breakfast. Uncommon uses for Cheap Beer. Booze of the Gods.
The beer that made Alexandria famous.
Breakfast of Champions
Monday, June 8, 2009
How to Get Cancer, Free Toothpaste, and Bad Credit
There seems to be a lot going on today. I fear that not a lot of it is of great moment, but there is a lot of what the Bard used say was "all sound and fury, signifying nothing."
Nevertheless, when we have such events as a porn star running for senate, events are at least titillating!
Yes and how about those tips on how to get cancer.
And you always wanted to know how to ruin your credit.
How would we survive for even a day without knowing about the sex lives of celebrities.
And the Sex Lives of dead celebrities.
You'll be want that free toothpaste right about now...

Whenever I think of auto eroticism I always think of that Aryan Radio Talk Show Host who got caught in an airport with someone else's Viagra prescription. Before that he was caught with someone else's Hilly Billy Heroin (OxyContin).
Friday, June 5, 2009
Free Donuts: National Donut Day!
First the Universal Dieting tips:
- There is no minimum daily requirement for refined sugar
- Drink 8 glass of water per day
- Stop drinking soda pop
Now on the to festivities:
Imagine a diet that consisted largely of vinegar. Or a diet where you could eat as much food as you wanted, but not the kind of food you like. Read them and weep:
Eat as Much as You like and Still Lose Weight
Sugar in your Gas Tank not in your Stomach
Ever heard of the Parasite Diet? How about the Mastication Diet.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Yell Fudge at Cobras Day!
Wondering what obscure holidays are being celebrated by the tinfoil hat brigade? Well wonder no more! I will let you in on one or two of them.
About the fudge thing, apparently fudge makes cobras ill. So yelling “fudge” at cobras is supposed to keep poisonous snakes out of North America. Alrightly then…
Antiphospholipid Antibody Syndrome Awareness Month
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Job Search for the Older Worker