Sunday, June 19, 2011

The 13 Greatest Evils of the Modern World

1)  Public Employee Unions

Public employee unions have already destroyed the nation of Greece and they are well on their way to destroying the states of Illinois and California.   In my view, a public employee union is a form of organized extortion that has as it goal the looting of the treasury.  Once you have retired public employees making more in benefits and pensions than active workers the end is near and bankruptcy is close.  And what do public employees say when it is clear they have bankrupted a government?  “Give me more,” they will demand, for their greed is insatiable.

2)  Speculators

Ever wonder why things cost too much?  The answer is always speculators.   One of the main reasons for the virtual collapse of the economic system of the entire world was speculators.  If we had honest and competent public officials one of the first things they would do is to cut down speculation to about the one tenth of the level it is at now.  We need enough market activity to allow people who really build and make things and people who grow food and move materials to spread their risk.  We don’t need one speculator selling to a another speculator who in turn sells something he does not own and would not know what to do with even if he had it,  to yet another speculator.

Why don’t our politicians do something about this?

There are two kinds of politicians around now.  The main one today is the stealth communist.  They call themselves progressives or democrats but really they are just communists looking for a way to destroy the capitalist system.  They like economic chaos–don’t look to them for help.  They might cause electricity rates to skyrocket though…

The second type of politician that we have now is worse.   He is the bribed, treasonous prostitute who as deliberately sold out the best interests of the nation to the highest bidder.  As long as he is getting paid, he does not give a rats behind what is happening to you.   He has sold himself to every foreign country and Marxist billionaire he could find to pay him.  When those wells were tapped dry he took bribes from corporations, unions, and progressive institutions and organizations.

Given that there few if any other types of politicians around–your are screwed.

3)  Politicians

Why is it that criminals from other countries  can break any law they wish but you are either looking for a job that an illegal alien is now doing or you are paying off the corrupt cop who just have you a traffic ticket for the privilege of commuting to a crappy job.

It was politicians who paid back the bribes they were given by bailing out the wall street thieves and bankers.  The treasury has been looted by $60 trillion dollars or so and the money has been given to the same crooks and liars that caused the economic collapse.  Your tax dollars at work.  Not only should the wall street thieves be put in jail but so should all the politicians and bureaucrats who stole our money and lied about it.  Remember when they said they would buy up the toxic assets?  Why are we paying these people to lie to us?

4)  Bribes

Public officials on bribes are, in my estimation, responsible for many of the nations ills.  Public officials and politicians must be taking bribes from foreign nations, corporations, unions and drug dealers.  How else do you explain our open borders and how our nation got flooded with drugs.     Also, how is it that 8 million illegal aliens have the jobs of 8 million unemployed Americans.

5)  Income Tax

The income tax is a playground for corrupt congressmen dying to buy your votes with your money.  Make the tax flat or do away with it.

6)  Greedy Corporations

For instance, the corporations who are buying water rights out from under us and then bottling the water and selling it back to us.

Wall Street and the greedy bankers nearly bankrupted the entire world.  First these liars and thieves knowingly sold worthless items for real money.  Namely the toxic and worthless home loans.  Then after stealing investors money by knowingly selling worthless assets they went to the government to bail out their bankrupted companies.  These people ought to all be in jail.  Instead they are paying themselves bonuses with tax payer money and continuing to buy up real assets with money they created out of thin air.

It is not at all clear that any private entity should be allowed to run a bank.  Over and over again banks use assets made up out of the thin air of fractional reserve banking, debt monetization and quantitative easing, and the outright printing of money to give loans to people who can not afford to pay the money back.  Then the banks steal real assets with their fake money by taking the assets of those who default.

7)  Green Weenies

Environmental terrorism is the greatest threat to capitalism in modern world.  If communists finally win it will not be commie care or even the brainwashing of school children that wins the day.  It will be the mandatory economic suicide that is radical environmentalism.

As a for instance, there would be no unemployment and the economy would be booming if we would sell the world the one and only American product it wants or needs: energy.  Only the economic treason which is the environmental movement prevents us from us from  having a sustainable  recovery.

Global Warming and Climate Change are frauds and hoaxes.   You will know that these scams are something other than tools to destroy capitalism when every Global Warming  fanatic and Climate Change  hallucinater leaves the west, gives up the English language and vows to speak nothing but Mandarin and Hindi for the rest of their lives.   If there were anthropogenic Global Warming or Climate Change the most populous nations in the world would be where to stop it.  These nations have fewer environmental controls than we have and each and every one of their billions of citizens is actively burning coal to get where we already are.  Reason alone tells you that the west can’t possibly be polluting more than China and India.  The reason why the radical environmentalists tackled us instead of the “real problem” is that Global Warming and Climate Change are commie plots.

The greenness of environmentalism is just a facade.   Almost every environmentalist has a red, chewy,  communist center.  They are just like watermelons.    Environmentalists are almost always busy trying to destroy capitalism from within.  In my opinion, they have no other goal.

8)  Terrorism

Actually, it is the tendency of government to annihilate all rights, freedoms and liberties, and to molest citizens and take pornographic photos of people and their children that is the greatest threat.   All of  this to stop women and children from flying airplanes into buildings–you know, like they did on 9/11.

Okay…Then maybe this government molestation and government pornography is meant to stop Swedish nuns and wheelchair-bound, colostomy bag toting Mexican grandmothers from flying airplanes into buildings, like they did on 9/11.

I know, they are trying to catch a terrorist carrying a bomb into the airport.  So he can blow it up and take an entire airport instead of just one plane.  Gosh, our TSA is populated by geniuses I tells ya!

9)  Disease

The real problem with disease is that we all suffer and die from diseases needlessly.  In the laboratories of the world scientists are working on ways to manufacture the cure for any human ailment pretty much in the same way the replicator on Star Trek made tea, earl gray, hot for Captain Picard.  The only thing that is stopping the miracle of modern medicine is greedy  politicians who want more health care rather than better health.  They want to control you they don’t want you to stay or get healthy.  Imagine all the cures that could be found if every known substance, mold, plant, fungi and biological extract was tried against every disease.  Every politician who wants more health care rather than better health should be thrown out of office.  Cure all diseases and the need for health care will be much, much less.

10)  Famine

Most famines are completely preventable.  Stop bribing Iowa farmers to grow corn for ethanol.  Ethanol is bad for cars and is making the poor people of the world starve by driving up food prices.  Even Al Gore admits ethanol is a bad idea.  If only we did not have bribed prostitutes in the congress and the senate.

11)  War

Is there much to be said about this?  Well, I guess so.  First try all the politicians in Washington DC for treason–especially all the progressives and democrats. After that garbage has been taken out, let every form of domestic energy we have–even nuclear–loose.   There will be no more wars for oil and we will no longer be paying terrorists to kill us.  We will, through coal and natural gas,  become energy independent.  No wonder the enviro Kommies are hell-bent to stop domestic energy.  They can’t destroy capitalism if we are energy independent.

Stopping propping up puppet governments in foreign countries.   Bring our troops home and put them to work closing our southern border.

12)  Leaf Blowers

They are noisy, polluting and they use too much energy.  They are a step backwards from brooms and rakes.

13)  Ticketing Cameras and Tollways

While I have not been caught by a ticketing camera yet, I just hate the idea.

As for tollways–stop stealing my money, repeatedly.  In particular, stop stealing my money and sending it to foreigners.



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