Sunday, November 4, 2012

DoomCember: 121212 Good Vibrations

Not all end of the world scenarios require the Mayan Calendar date that coresponds to December 21 2012.

Some think that the turning point for the Harmonic Convergence of the Universal Belly Button is on 12/12/12.


Apparently we are due for a Cosmic Love-in on or about 121212. 

Some folks are planing clensing cermonies, trips and what not on that magical day.


I guess my big problem with the notion that big things are supposed to have happened on 9/9/9, 10/10/10 and 11/11/11 was that they didn't.  And expecting big things to happen on 121212 is like asking the universe to notice when an arbitrary date happens on an arbitrary calendar.  It seems very unlikely.  At least 21 December 2012 has the Winter Solstice going for it!


Magical Mystery Tour



Doomed December


DoomCember and 121212


Microchip Zombie Apocalypse


Threshold of Doom


Mugging Doom






Fractal 121212 Hat

Rainbow World Gyroscopic PostCard























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