Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Shared Sacrifice: YOU do the Sacrificing, WE do the Sharing

Notice that Obama, Reid, Pelosi and Senator Chuckie want you to pay higher taxes—-to sacrifice, but they want to do the sharing.  They want to use your tax dollars to pay off cronies, buy votes, and pay useless bureaucrats to do things that don’t need doing.


Obama and indeed all democrats have no God but government and government is their God.  If you catch them in unguarded moments they often make fun of the constitution because they don’t believe in it.  The do believe in the communist manifesto and they are doing everything in their power to make sayings of Karl Marx and even Chairman Mao into law.

The central tenet of Obamism is that your wealth is not your own.  Rather your wealth belongs the socialist government of Obama and he will redistribute your wealth to the lazy, the stupid and the odious as he sees fit.  You are not free to choose what to do with your own money but Obama is.

15)  Universal health care is not universal.

The Obama administration has given 1,000 or more waivers to Obamacare  to organizations, unions and companies that have funded and supported the democrat party.  In other words, those waivers were paid for.

Do you have a waver?  Does your business?  Does your employer?  Why not?  Didn’t you bribe the democratic party?

Where is that equal protection clause?  Oh yeah, it’s not part of the communist manifesto.  Never mind.

16)  In his administration, Obama has surrounded himself with communists, socialists, Marxists and even Maoists.

17)  Obama is just a Bush clone.

George Bush created one of the biggest and most expensive government giveaway programs every imagined for pharmacies and medicines.  President Barack Hussein Obama followed suit with Obamacare.

Bush kept Guantanamo open, held military tribunals for terrorists and opened our mail and listened to our phone calls to “keep up safe.”  Obama is doing all that and more.  He is having government stick it’s hands down our pants and take pornographic pictures of us.

Bush got us into a war with two Muslim nations–Iraq and Afghanistan.  Obama continues those wars and added another war with a Muslim nation–Libya.

18)  Obama has promised that he will make electricity rates skyrocket.

This will make the cost of everything you buy skyrocket.  This will make employers hire less and fire more.

19)  Name the country that is completely and reliably dependent on green, alternative and renewable energies.  There isn’t one.  If some tells you there is  he is at best ignorant.  At worst he is just a liar.  Google the reliability of windmill power for instance.  Read the articles pro and con and if you are intellectually honest you will come away with something you knew before you sat down.   Windmills only produce power when the wind blows sufficiently in the right places at the right times.  This wreaks havoc to any country that actually tries to put some percentage of it’s power grid into windmills.

What percentage of current US energy capacity is “green” after two years of Obama?   Again, if you are intellectually honest, that ought to tell you something.  What percentage of US jobs are green?  How about the world?  How about any country in the world?

20)  The US mandate to turn corn into ethanol is causing food riots and starvation in the third word.

Turning sugar cane into to ethanol would make more economic and environmental sense but we don’t because of politics.

21)  Increasing the percentage of ethanol usage in the in the US will destroy all out internal combustion engines.  But maybe that’s what Obama wants?

22)  Gas cost so much because Obama has put a moratorium on drilling and will not allow us to exploit oil in Alaska and other places.

23)  Food and gas prices are rising because Obama has inflated the money by spending, borrowing and printing more money than he brought in through taxes.

24)  Only a fool would trust a democrat with more money by raising taxes.  Democrats will spend at least $3 for every $1 they bring in.  This is one reason why republicans must insist on seeing the cuts first.  Either the cuts must happen up front or they will never happen.

25)  Death panels are real.

Obama has said that his own grandmother should not receive a hip replacement or a knee replacement even if she needed one because she was too old.  How do you think he feels about your grandmother?


1) One of the principle planks of Obama’s democrat party and the Communist Manifesto is a heavy, progressive income tax.  In fact, Obama would rather keep social security checks out of the hands of seniors than give up more Marxist taxes.

2)  Even though the Department Of Education is the single most useless department in all of government both Obama and the Communist Manifesto require the continued existence of the Department Education so Obama would never let abolish it.

3)  Centralization of communication and transportation in the hands of the state is both a Communist Manifesto and an Obama democrat principle.    This is why the Obama administration has repeatedly tried to marginalize one of the few media outlets it does not control:  Fox News.  It is also why all democrats push for the “Fairness Doctrine.”  The Fairness Doctrine really means that the government will control all  means of communication.   As for public transit, this is why every democrat in America wants to get you out of your car and into public transit.  The  Communist Manifest which is the Bible of every democrat, especially Obama, tells them to do it.


What makes government greed worse is public employee unions.  Everywhere public employee unions exist they are bankrupting governments with their pension and health plans and their never ending quest for more money and less work.


1)  Public Employee Unions

Public employee unions have already destroyed the nation of Greece and they are well on their way to destroying the states of Illinois and California.   In my view, a public employee union is a form of organized extortion that has as it goal the looting of the treasury.  Once you have retired public employees making more in benefits and pensions than active workers the end is near and bankruptcy is close.  And what do public employees say when it is clear they have bankrupted a government?  “Give me more,” they will demand, for their greed is insatiable.




Count down to the end of the World

Welcome to Slavery

Instant Death


Posted via email from poetryman69's posterous

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