Friday, September 30, 2011
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Obama’s Promised Job Programs and Plans
Obama Can’t But I Can
Barack Hussein Obama has already spent $4 trillion and if you still don’t have a job then Obama can’t help you. But I can. And it won’t cost you half a trillion bucks either.
Almost anyone who really wants to work and who is willing to do whatever it takes to get legitimate work should be able to find a job and here’s how:
1) Network
Tell everyone you have ever known that you are looking for a job and would appreciate a referral. Tell everyone you have ever known that you would appreciate it if they could let you know if even a rumor of a job comes up.
Talk to friends, lovers and coworkers. Talk to friends of friends. Talk to preachers, pastors and lawyers. Talk to distant relatives—the more distant the better. Talk to old school chums you have talked to in years.
There’s a game called the Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon. There are various variants of the game. In one variant you try to link Kevin Bacon to every movie star in Hollywood.
Just like that game, someone in your extended network is indeed sitting around waiting to give you a job—but they don’t know it. You’d have to ask them first. That’s what networking can do for you. Tell the people you talk to tell everyone they talk to that you are looking for work.
2) Train
In the long run, you may need some long term training in a community college or in a technical or vocational school. In the short run, you need to earn money for food, gas, and the bills that are coming due soon. So either a short term training program or a program that pays you to train is in order.
A) Look for any existing city, country, state, or federal job training. This includes military enlistment. If a training program exists, including signing up for the military, join the program and let the government pay for your training. One of the beauties of this is that the government has already paid for this. No new spending is required. It is your right, and if you are unemployed, your duty to take advantage of this.
B) Get a job that will train you. Go on the internet and use a Meta job search engine like to search for terms like “trainee” or “entry level”. By the way, a Meta search engine takes jobs from all the smaller job search engines and puts them all in one place.
At this stage, don’t worry about what the entry level job is. No one you will be competing with knows how to do the job either. Apply for all the jobs that come up in this category in your local area.
C) Train yourself
This process is more viable than you might think. Go down to your local library and visit your local government unemployment or job training center. Look to see if any of the computers they have available for your use have programs like Microsoft Word, Excel or PowerPoint. If you are more adventurous, the look for Adobe photoshop or any of the Adobe products.
If you find some useful software on the computers you have access to, look for tutorials that are bundled with the software. Often the help menu or the F1 button can aid you with your search.
Go through every tutorial and exercise the machine has available. Go on internet and find more tutorials and go through them.
After you have done this, create a resume and claim your new knowledge as a skill on your resume. Now place your resume with every internet job search engine you can think of. Some to try are Monster, Careerbuilder, Dice, Indeed, JuJu,and SimplyHired. Be sure to associate a current phone number with your resume so you can easily be reached.
A smart job applicant would be particularly assiduous at finding the tutorials that are really, really difficult. Tutorials that are a real pain to understand and to master would be best. Get really, really good at the hard stuff, by repetition and finding many examples that approach the difficult problems from different angles. Employers will have to hire you because you can do something none of their current employees can do and you can do it with ease. This does not require that you be better than anyone else. Rather it only requires that you be more determined and more patient and less willing to quit.
Another way to get access to these computer programs is to look for a community college that offers courses on using these programs. You will want a college that has a large bank of computers for students to do course work. There is nothing stopping you from using every spare hour you have studying whatever program you care to on the school’s computers. You don’t have to proceed at the pace of the class; you can go at your own pace.
D) While we are on the subject, get training through community colleges or vocational schools. This kind of training takes longer but in the end can be more valuable. If cost is an issue, stick with the cheaper, public institutions like community colleges.
Also look to see if they scholarships, grants, loans or stipends. Spend some time at the library looking for college money. There are books that list grants and scholarships for people with a certain last name or ethnicity or who are the son or daughter of a military man. Google this information or ask the librarian for help on find the scholarship books.
If you choose to attend a vocational school, make sure the school is licensed and accredited to operate in your state. You generally safer going to a trade school that has operated for a longer period of time.
3) Jump.
Pull the ripcord.
Let’s suppose that you are running through various job strategies and nothing seems to be working or you are running out of time, money or someone else’s patience. Then it’s time to go job search commando. The go-to stand by jobs in virtually every state in the union are sales and management. These jobs exist almost everywhere. Often they require little or no training. Some of the jobs that do require training will pay you while you train.
Borrow a suit. Paint a smile on your face and show up to any office that advertises that they need salesmen or manager trainees and apply for the gig.
Use any job search engine you like to look for these jobs. Monster will do nicely. Be sure to create and save a resume at the job search site. Search for sales, or salesman, or manage, or manager. Join up these searches with filters like entry level or trainee if you have never done these jobs before.
If you have been out of work for a long time, these kinds of jobs are the real test of whether or not you really want a job. In some places they have such high turnover rates that they will take anyone. Even you. The best time to get such a job is right before and during the holidays. After Halloween, you need to keep knocking on doors until you get someone to answer. You will almost certainly get a job for the holidays—if you really want one.
Speaking of seasonal jobs around the holidays, although they are not necessarily sales or management, be sure to apply to all the package shipping places for work like FedEx and UPS.
Look for help wanted placards in the windows of stores or gas stations. They want you. Help them to know that by applying for the job.
4) Job Search Strategy
I suggest you use one of the Meta job search engines like This can be quicker and easier than dealing with a myriad of job search engines like Dice, Careerbuilder and Monster. Basically Indeed will search all those sites and a lot of job search sites you have never heard of and then deliver the results to you in one place at one time. Use the Advance Job search filters to set things like the distance from your house or the kinds of jobs you want to see or the kinds of jobs you don’t want to see. If you have any skills be sure to set the filter to look for them. Try to limit your job search to jobs that came available in the past 7 days and jobs that are less than 25 miles from you. You can always widen your search if you are not seeing what you want.
If you want to target a specific field in your job search such as IT, then it might be best to pick a job search engine that is best suited for it. For IT for instance, DICE is a good way to go. Be sure to register with the site and save your resume their so employers can find you. Part of the registration process will involve filling out a profile so be sure to accomplish that as well. Freshen up your resume at least once per month whether you need to or not so prospective employers know that you are still in the game.
Another strategy is to schedule interviews with the leading head hunter agencies in your field such as Robert Half, Manpower, or Kelly. Again, rent a suit, paint on smile, and come to the interview with resumes and references in one hand and be ready to shake hands with the other. Take all the skill tests they want to give you. And if they have constructive advice on something you need to brush up on by all means do so and then take the tests again.
5) Move.
Everything else has failed. There are no jobs for you in your field where you live. Any of the training programs that would train you for the few jobs that actually exist in your area would either take longer to complete than the time you have allotted to your job search or you just don’t have the prerequisites for the training. You are too old for the military or you have physical or legal problems that make your undesirable for the military.
There is only one thing left. Move.
Do some research on the Internet. Find the cities, states and regions that have the jobs you want or the jobs in your field. Check out things like training in the area you are planning to move to then check the cost and availability of training where you are. It might be cost effective to train where you are and then move to the place where you work if there happens to be free or cheap training where you currently reside but not in the new place.
If you have to, borrow money from friends and relatives to get the money required to move. If you have truly hit rock bottom then sell blood plasma or whole blood and scavenge aluminum cans to get grub stake. Don’t forget to go to churches and charities and let them know you need to do odd jobs to generate a grub stake to get more permanent employment. Go down to the unemployment department and find out where the day labor worksites are if you have to. By the way, this is the temporary kind of thing many of us have done to get by for a little while until our ship comes in.
If you moved with very little cash you may be in for a rough landing when you get to where you are going. The same procedure of going to churches, charities and day labor outfits can be the way to go until you get your bearings.
It is better of course if you can borrow enough cash or have saved up enough money to pull up stakes, move and stay in the cheapest motel imaginable until you get that job that you moved for.
Don’t wait. Apply for the job you moved for the moment you hit town. Get a local phone number so it is easy for employers to contact you. A cheap disposable phone can help you there.
Moving is one of the best and most sure fire ways to get a new job if you can’t find one where you now live.
Another almost can’t miss method is to apply for sales or management trainee jobs.
Going for seasonal or holiday jobs works for almost everyone.
Getting a government job can be time consuming activity and their hiring process can take a long time. If you are qualified for the military, go see a recruiter and see if you can enlist and get trained in the field you are interested in on the government dime. Be sure to take all the educational benefits you are entitled to. That is what they are there for.
Best No Experience Jobs On the Web
A Real Jobs Program Plan!!!
Job Search for the Older Worker
Obama Can’t Find You Employment But I Can
Obama Can’t Help You but I Can
How Obama Will Not Help You Find a Job But I will
How to Earn $50,000 per year (e book)
How to Earn $25 per hour ( e book)
How to Get A Job in 30 Days (e book)
Monday, September 26, 2011
Sunday, September 25, 2011
A Real Jobs Program Plan!!!
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Friday, September 23, 2011
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Obama Can’t But I Can
Presiden Obama has already spent $4 trillion and if you still don't have a job then Obama can't help you. But I can. And it won't cost you half a trillion bucks either.
Almost anyone who really wants to work and who is willing to do whatever it takes to get legitimate work should be able to find a job and here's how:
1) Network
Tell everyone you have ever known that you are looking for a job and would appreciate a referral. Tell everyone you have ever known that you would appreciate it if they could let you know if even a rumor of a job comes up.
Talk to friends, lovers and coworkers. Talk to friends of friends. Talk to preachers, pastors and lawyers. Talk to distant relatives—the more distant the better. Talk to old school chums you have talked to in years.
There’s a game called the Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon. There are various variants of the game. In one variant you try to link Kevin Bacon to every movie star in Hollywood.
Just like that game, someone in your extended network is indeed sitting around waiting to give you a job—but they don’t know it. You’d have to ask them first. That’s what networking can do for you. Tell the people you talk to tell everyone they talk to that you are looking for work.
2) Train
In the long run, you may need some long term training in a community college or in a technical or vocational school. In the short run, you need to earn money for food, gas, and the bills that are coming due soon. So either a short term training program or a program that pays you to train is in order.
A) Look for any existing city, country, state, or federal job training. This includes military enlistment. If a training program exists, including signing up for the military, join the program and let the government pay for your training. One of the beauties of this is that the government has already paid for this. No new spending is required. It is your right, and if you are unemployed, your duty to take advantage of this.
B) Get a job that will train you. Go on the internet and use a Meta job search engine like to search for terms like "trainee" or "entry level". By the way, a Meta search engine takes jobs from all the smaller job search engines and puts them all in one place.
At this stage, don't worry about what the entry level job is. No one you will be competing with knows how to do the job either. Apply for all the jobs that come up in this category in your local area.
C) Train yourself
This process is more viable than you might think. Go down to your local library and visit your local government unemployment or job training center. Look to see if any of the computers they have available for your use have programs like Microsoft Word, Excel or PowerPoint. If you are more adventurous, the look for Adobe photoshop or any of the Adobe products.
If you find some useful software on the computers you have access to, look for tutorials that are bundled with the software. Often the help menu or the F1 button can aid you with your search.
Go through every tutorial and exercise the machine has available. Go on internet and find more tutorials and go through them.
After you have done this, create a resume and claim your new knowledge as a skill on your resume. Now place your resume with every internet job search engine you can think of. Some to try are Monster, Careerbuilder, Dice, Indeed, JuJu,and SimplyHired. Be sure to associate a current phone number with your resume so you can easily be reached.
A smart job applicant would be particularly assiduous at finding the tutorials that are really, really difficult. Tutorials that are a real pain to understand and to master would be best. Get really, really good at the hard stuff, by repetition and finding many examples that approach the difficult problems from different angles. Employers will have to hire you because you can do something none of their current employees can do and you can do it with ease. This does not require that you be better than anyone else. Rather it only requires that you be more determined and more patient and less willing to quit.
Another way to get access to these computer programs is to look for a community college that offers courses on using these programs. You will want a college that has a large bank of computers for students to do course work. There is nothing stopping you from using every spare hour you have studying whatever program you care to on the school’s computers. You don’t have to proceed at the pace of the class; you can go at your own pace.
D) While we are on the subject, get training through community colleges or vocational schools. This kind of training takes longer but in the end can be more valuable. If cost is an issue, stick with the cheaper, public institutions like community colleges.
Also look to see if they scholarships, grants, loans or stipends. Spend some time at the library looking for college money. There are books that list grants and scholarships for people with a certain last name or ethnicity or who are the son or daughter of a military man. Google this information or ask the librarian for help on find the scholarship books.
If you choose to attend a vocational school, make sure the school is licensed and accredited to operate in your state. You generally safer going to a trade school that has operated for a longer period of time.
3) Jump.
Pull the ripcord.
Let’s suppose that you are running through various job strategies and nothing seems to be working or you are running out of time, money or someone else’s patience. Then it’s time to go job search commando. The go-to stand by jobs in virtually every state in the union are sales and management. These jobs exist almost everywhere. Often they require little or no training. Some of the jobs that do require training will pay you while you train.
Borrow a suit. Paint a smile on your face and show up to any office that advertises that they need salesmen or manager trainees and apply for the gig.
Use any job search engine you like to look for these jobs. Monster will do nicely. Be sure to create and save a resume at the job search site. Search for sales, or salesman, or manage, or manager. Join up these searches with filters like entry level or trainee if you have never done these jobs before.
If you have been out of work for a long time, these kinds of jobs are the real test of whether or not you really want a job. In some places they have such high turnover rates that they will take anyone. Even you. The best time to get such a job is right before and during the holidays. After Halloween, you need to keep knocking on doors until you get someone to answer. You will almost certainly get a job for the holidays—if you really want one.
Speaking of seasonal jobs around the holidays, although they are not necessarily sales or management, be sure to apply to all the package shipping places for work like FedEx and UPS.
Look for help wanted placards in the windows of stores or gas stations. They want you. Help them to know that by applying for the job.
4) Job Search Strategy
I suggest you use one of the Meta job search engines like This can be quicker and easier than dealing with a myriad of job search engines like Dice, Careerbuilder and Monster. Basically Indeed will search all those sites and a lot of job search sites you have never heard of and then deliver the results to you in one place at one time. Use the Advance Job search filters to set things like the distance from your house or the kinds of jobs you want to see or the kinds of jobs you don’t want to see. If you have any skills be sure to set the filter to look for them. Try to limit your job search to jobs that came available in the past 7 days and jobs that are less than 25 miles from you. You can always widen your search if you are not seeing what you want.
If you want to target a specific field in your job search such as IT, then it might be best to pick a job search engine that is best suited for it. For IT for instance, DICE is a good way to go. Be sure to register with the site and save your resume their so employers can find you. Part of the registration process will involve filling out a profile so be sure to accomplish that as well. Freshen up your resume at least once per month whether you need to or not so prospective employers know that you are still in the game.
Another strategy is to schedule interviews with the leading head hunter agencies in your field such as Robert Half, Manpower, or Kelly. Again, rent a suit, paint on smile, and come to the interview with resumes and references in one hand and be ready to shake hands with the other. Take all the skill tests they want to give you. And if they have constructive advice on something you need to brush up on by all means do so and then take the tests again.
5) Move.
Everything else has failed. There are no jobs for you in your field where you live. Any of the training programs that would train you for the few jobs that actually exist in your area would either take longer to complete than the time you have allotted to your job search or you just don’t have the prerequisites for the training. You are too old for the military or you have physical or legal problems that make your undesirable for the military.
There is only one thing left. Move.
Do some research on the Internet. Find the cities, states and regions that have the jobs you want or the jobs in your field. Check out things like training in the area you are planning to move to then check the cost and availability of training where you are. It might be cost effective to train where you are and then move to the place where you work if there happens to be free or cheap training where you currently reside but not in the new place.
If you have to, borrow money from friends and relatives to get the money required to move. If you have truly hit rock bottom then sell blood plasma or whole blood and scavenge aluminum cans to get grub stake. Don’t forget to go to churches and charities and let them know you need to do odd jobs to generate a grub stake to get more permanent employment. Go down to the unemployment department and find out where the day labor worksites are if you have to. By the way, this is the temporary kind of thing many of us have done to get by for a little while until our ship comes in.
If you moved with very little cash you may be in for a rough landing when you get to where you are going. The same procedure of going to churches, charities and day labor outfits can be the way to go until you get your bearings.
It is better of course if you can borrow enough cash or have saved up enough money to pull up stakes, move and stay in the cheapest motel imaginable until you get that job that you moved for.
Don’t wait. Apply for the job you moved for the moment you hit town. Get a local phone number so it is easy for employers to contact you. A cheap disposable phone can help you there.
Moving is one of the best and most sure fire ways to get a new job if you can’t find one where you now live.
Another almost can’t miss method is to apply for sales or management trainee jobs.
Going for seasonal or holiday jobs works for almost everyone.
Getting a government job can be time consuming activity and their hiring process can take a long time. If you are qualified for the military, go see a recruiter and see if you can enlist and get trained in the field you are interested in on the government dime. Be sure to take all the educational benefits you are entitled to. That is what they are there for.
Best No Experience Jobs On the Web
Monday, September 19, 2011
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Obama Won't Help You Find a Job But I Will
Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE
Obama has already spent $4 trillion and if you still don't have a job then Obama can't help you. But I can. And it won't cost you half a trillion bucks either.
Almost anyone who really wants to work and who is willing to do whatever it takes to get legitimate work should be able to find a job and here's how:
Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE
3) Jump.
Pull the ripcord.
Let’s suppose that you are running through various job strategies and nothing seems to be working or you are running out of time, money or someone else’s patience. Then it’s time to go job search commando. The go-to stand by jobs in virtually every state in the union are sales and management. These jobs exist almost everywhere. Often they require little or no training. Some of the jobs that do require training will pay you while you train.
Borrow a suit. Paint a smile on your face and show up to any office that advertises that they need salesmen or manager trainees and apply for the gig.
Use any job search engine you like to look for these jobs. Monster will do nicely. Be sure to create and save a resume at the job search site. Search for sales, or salesman, or manage, or manager. Join up these searches with filters like entry level or trainee if you have never done these jobs before.
If you have been out of work for a long time, these kinds of jobs are the real test of whether or not you really want a job. In some places they have such high turnover rates that they will take anyone. Even you. The best time to get such a job is right before and during the holidays. After Halloween, you need to keep knocking on doors until you get someone to answer. You will almost certainly get a job for the holidays—if you really want one.
Speaking of seasonal jobs around the holidays, although they are not necessarily sales or management, be sure to apply to all the package shipping places for work like FedEx and UPS.
Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE
Best No Experience Jobs On the Web
Friday, September 16, 2011
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Monday, September 12, 2011
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Death Moon (March Moon)
The March Moon is also:
Crow Moon,Crust Moon,Sugar Moon,Sap Moon,Chaste Moon, Death Moon,Lenten Moon,Fish Moon,Sleepy Moon,
Windy Moon,Big Famine Moon,Moon When Eyes are Sore from Bright Snow,Moon of Winds,Death Moon,Crust Moon,
Seed Moon,Sugar Moon
It seems clear that in Spring different cultures are thinking about different things. Some are thinking about sex and other are thing about death. Still others are thinking about worms and wind and sugar from maple trees.
Twilight Poems and New Moon Poetry
090909: Full Moon Eclipse Vision
By poetryman69
At dusk the sun fled out over a azure sky
and the waters of the bay crept in and slept the night through
and the moon rose
At sunset
A diffuse sky the color of orange sherbet on blue ice cream
Flower Poetry:
General Subject Poetry:
Sacrifice time. Prepare the Virgins!
Nine Elevens 9 11s
Nine Elevens
11 | 11 | 11 |
11 | 11 | 11 |
11 | 11 | 11 |
11 | 11 | 11 |
11 | 11 | 11 |
11 | 11 | 11 |
***Party At the End of the WorldCount Down to the End of the WorldWhen is Doomsday? Well it depends on who is counting. By my reckoning, there are four separate predictions for the end of everything that mature in the next year and a half or so.Oct 21, 2011Nov 11, 2011Dec 12, 2012Dec 21, 2012.The most dubious date for End of All Things is Oct 21, 2011. It is the most dubious because the man who made the prediction, Harold Egbert Camping has unsuccessfully predicted the second coming of Christ two times already. If we want to be fairly certain that we have the wrong date, ask Camping.The second date on the list was picked out by numerologists and dingbats. It is 11/11/11. I doubt that God, cosmic beings, or even Angels give a rat’s behind about the vagaries of the Gregorian calendar. So it’s pretty much a non starter. Moreover, there are those who say playful Angels make people notice the number 11 on clocks and such. One can only be disappointed in the weak halfheartedness of such Angels. Clocks will hit 11 minutes after 11 twice a day every day whether we notice it or not. It speaks to a desperation for miracles to call a common event miraculous. One might as well called buttered toast or ivy on telephone poles miraculous–as some have done. Angels, how about a real miracle. Let’s try permanent and lasting peace in the Middle East or let all amputees grow new, useful and serviceable limbs overnight.At last we come to the December 2012 end of all things. We can throw out the 12/12/12 date because it’s the numerologists getting auto erotic with their digits again. Now as for 21 December 2012. There is a lot of good evidence that some have mistaken the fact that Aztecs ran out of rock whilst counting up the centuries as the end of all things. Still once in awhile someone points out that there are somethings of note due in the 2012 to 2013 time frame. It is possible that we could see the effects of a magnetic pole reversal then. It is also possible that we could see increased cosmic particle activity or solar flares from the sun. And who knows, there is a certain national park with geysers and such that is due to blue up one day and take half of North America with it….The end of the world has been predicted many times and it has never happened. Not even once. You are safe to ignore all such predictions unless you are like me and you enjoy having end of the world parties while feeling safe and secure that the world is not going to end any time soon.***The Great Spiritual AwakeningAngelic Doomsday InterventionBurning SkyWaiting on the Rapture***UFOs battle for Los Angeles? Why? Have you ever been to LA? San Francisco, San Diego or maybe Santa Cruz… Maybe. But I got news for you. The aliens already have LA!!!!UFO Battle for LA on 3.11.11***2/11/11 3/11/11 4/11/11 5/11/11By poetryman69Well the next doomsday prediction is for 5/21/11 and the Angel day 11/11/11 is still many months off. Well for those who believe the master number 11 is magical, There are pairs of 11s every day at 11:11.***This Will Be the Day that I Die: Doomsday, Apocalypse and the End of the World, AgainBy poetryman69The End of Night? Twin Suns for the Earth by 2012?By poetryman69Maybe the End of an Age is different than we all thought. There’s a report in the Huffington Post that an exploding super nova could give us two suns by 2012:Never Night by 2012?***On 5/21/11 The End is Near, Again.By poetryman69Some folks say you’d best be born again by 21 May 2011 or it will be too late. The Messiah is coming back they say and you’ll find out too late when that world wide earthquake hits.At least one seer says you only have to hang on until November because the end of the world stops ending the world on Oct 21, 2011.Apparently this particular end of the world, doomsday rant stems from one fundamentalist preacher in Oakland California. Anybody who has ever lived in Oakland is quite certain the world will end any minute. It is the armpit of the universe.So if you are of a conspiratorial mind, and if you fancy and Apocalypse, Now, or if you are just curious or terminally cautions: Save the Date! 5.21.2011The same Bible that this particular group of prognosticators is using to predict that the end of life as we know it is here, also says that no man shall know the date and the time of the Messiah’s return. I’m banking on 21 Dec 2012 myself because it gives me more time to party before I have to repent!!!***10/10/10, Digital Doomsday, Cyber ApocalypseDigital Cyber Terror Attack Code Named Bank HolidayDigital Threat Assessment***2012. End of the World. Doomsday. Sacred GeometriesBy poetryman6921 December 2012Golf Balls Killed the Loch Ness Monster2012 the movieScientific Serendipity090909Naked VacationSacred GeometriesIt is better to be drunk than wastedBlack moon risingFlat EarthAttack of the Gray GooLooking for God in an Atom SmasherWho will survive 2012?Waiting on the End of the World***Abstract , Digital, Fractal Designs and Art for 11,1.1.11,1.11.11,11.11.11By poetryman69***9th Gate of the 11th HeavenSeeing 11s in 2011Butterfly 11*********Art for Angels?Art 1/11/11Art 1.11.111/11/11 Art***Abstract , Digital, Fractal Designs and Art for 11,1/1/11,1/11/11,11/11/11By poetryman69
Art 1/11/11
By poetryman69Art 1.11.11
Abstract , Digital, Fractal Designs and Art for 11,1/1/11,1/11/11,11/11/11
By poetryman69
***Abstract , Digital, Fractal Designs and Art for 11,1.1.11,1.11.11,11.11.11By poetryman69***9th Gate of the 11th HeavenSeeing 11s in 2011Butterfly 11******11:11:11 and Angry Angels?***111111 11-11-11 11/11/11***Window Rock. Stone poetry for 090909. What rises from the desert under the moonlight.21 Dec 2012: The end of the World***21 December 2012Golf Balls Killed the Loch Ness Monster2012 the movieScientific Serendipity090909Naked VacationSacred GeometriesIt is better to be drunk than wastedBlack moon risingFlat EarthAttack of the Gray GooLooking for God in an Atom Smasher******Top 13 Scariest New Year PredictionsTop 11 Most Dangerous 2011 Predictions2011 Predictions: Immortality and the Fountain of Youth Found and Destroyed2011: Fictional Future Foibles. Predictions, Prognostications, and Prophecies2011 Forecasts and Predictions11Th Heaven, 9Th Gate, 11:11:11 And 11/11 and 11/11/11Oprah Launches Winfrey Network on 1/1/11 1.1.11How to Predict the Future: 2011How to Celebrate 1/1/11, 1/11/11 , 11:11 and 11/11/11***2011 Predictions and the Year of the Shiny BunnyBy poetryman692011 Predictions and the Year of the Shiny Bunny2011: Year of the Metal Rabbit2011 Prediction2011 Forecasts and PredictionsThe Shape of Things to Come***2011: Fictional Future Foibles. Predictions, Prognostications, And Prophecies***2011 Predictions: The Greatest Economic Depression in our History*********Abstract , Digital, Fractal Designs and Art for 11,1/1/11,1/11/11,11/11/11By poetryman69
Lucky New Year. Good fortune. Propitious 1/1/11. 1.1.11. 1 Jan 2011.9th Gate of the 11th HeavenSeeing 11s in 2011Butterfly 11************
************Abstract Digital Art Inspired by 11/11/11By poetryman69Top 11 Traditions11:111/1/11 and 1/11/1111/11/11How to Predict 2011How to Celebrate 1/1/11 and 2011How to Celebrate 1/1/11, 1/11/11, 11:11 and 11/11/112011 the Year of the Shiny BunnyPredictions for 2011, the Year of the Yin Metal Rabbit111111 11/11/11 11-11-11The Suns of Thunder Meet the Sisters of the MoonFlower Poetry:
Poppy PoetryDandelionsRed HibiscusGeneral Subject Poetry:Nonsense PoetrySleeping RustPizza SquirrelTrashy PoetryTexas ToastKilling the Kitchen GodBeautiful EnemyAngel FireDictionary of DreamsQueue the SunsetDusk Like a Dying MirrorCopper MoonGift Wrapped GarbageEaster***Angel Art and Art for Angels.Calling all Angels!
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A Gathering of 11 Angels at the 11th Hour
The Last Of the Angels: Angels Undone
Count down to the End of theWorld