Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Monday, November 21, 2011
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Friday, November 18, 2011
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Monday, November 14, 2011
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Future Perfect: Predicting What Will Be in 2012
2012 Predictions
Digital Cyber Terror Attack Code Named Bank Holiday
I love the Smell of Zombies in the Morning
How is the End of the World Working Out For You?
Count Down to the End of the World
Digital Cyber Terror Attack Code Named Bank Holiday
Golf Balls Killed the Loch Ness Monster
Psychic Predictions for 2012
Looking for Doomsday: From the Abyss to the Apocalypse. Dec 12th 2012. 12/21/2012
2012 Predictions
Digital Cyber Terror Attack Code Named Bank Holiday
I love the Smell of Zombies in the Morning
How is the End of the World Working Out For You
Count Down to the End of the World
Looking for Doomsday: From the Abyss to the Apocalypse. Dec 12th 2012.12/21/2012
Digital Cyber Terror Attack Code Named Bank Holiday
If you see large sums of money disappearing from third world banks and the usual graft and corruption do not appear to be the culprits, then know that you have seen a practice run.
I used to think that the left was serious when they said their ultimate goals were to destroy capitalism and install communism. Then I noticed that Al Gore and Maurice Strong are going to get filthy rich off of that communist plot known as Cap and Trade. It was then that it hit me. The dictatorship of the proletariat may occur but only as a secondary outcome. The real objective is to loot the world and stick the money into the hands of the Global Warming, Climate Change and Progressive crowd. They want to make sure they are the dictators and the rest of us are the proletariat. They will loot all our money first by controlling health care, banks, car companies, oil companies and even our thermostats. After they have stolen so much from us that we can no longer even feed ourselves, they kill at least a quarter of us and make the rest into Marxist slaves.
Cap and Trade, the American Power Act, or whatever the communists in congress are calling it these daze, is and example of Marxist Thieves coming in the front door. By the way, the notion behind Cap and Trade is a another way to make communists reveal themselves. Ask someone if they support Cap and Trade. If they support it, even if they are registered Republicans, they have just outed themselves as communists. The “R” was just a scam to fool the voters.
To Survive the End of the World: Big Condoms
Some dude has on his top 10 things he would need to survive a doomsday event, the Apocalypse and the End of the World, some condoms in the large economy size. You know industrial strength condoms. Hmmm…Wonder if dude knows Adam Lambert and Clay Aiken.
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Free 2012 Calendars by Mail–November 2011 Edition
The Mother Lode of free calendars
Free 2012 Calendar by Mail #2
If you come up with any problem links let me know. Almost all calendar offers run out sooner or later so try the next link if the current one does not work.
BNSF Calendar
Agilent Aerospace Defense Calendar
Free 2012 Calendar by Mail
Free 2012 Women’s Health Calendar
It is Better to be Drunk than Wasted
Free 2012 Calendars by Mail–November 2011 Edition
1*11*11 Angels Day 11*11*11 Souvenirs and KeepSakes 1/11/11 11/11/11
Angel Gate: 9th Gate of the 11th Heaven 11/1/11 and 11/11/11
How to Prepare for the End of the World
How Will You Spend Your Last Day on Earth?
How is the End Of the World Working Out for you?
11.11.11 and the Angelic Armageddon Apocalypse
Friday, November 11, 2011
Spirit Guides and Guardian Angels at 11:11 on 11/11/11. Wish Craft and Ascension.
If you are going on a spiritual quest, then you would certainly want to take a spirit guide along with you. Someone who knows the way.
A Guardian Angels is there to help you avoid the pitfalls and to help you though the tough times. You must be forged before you are ready. It happens to everyone. Everyone says, sooner or later,”Why me?” or “I’d rather not.” But you have to anyway.
Are there Angels in your sock drawer? How many Angels can dance on the head of a pin?
Sometimes spiritual significance is what and where you find it. Seek peace and the answers will come. Not the answers you want. The answers you need.
The reason there are so many unhappy truth seekers is that when they found the truth they did not like it and did not want it. So they keep looking. Hoping for a better truth or at least a different one!
Importance, Significance, and Meaning of 11:11 and 11/11/11: From May Ones (1s)
06 Nov 2011 Leave a Comment
by poetryman69 in Blogroll Tags: angel, easter, earth, significance, wish, new age, ITunes, Angel Numbers, Provence, Importance, and Meaning of 11:11 and 11/11/11: From May Ones (1s) [Edit]
Some think that there is something auspicious about a time containing all ones like 11:11. Other think that a date containing all ones portends something like 11/11/11.
Some of us are just having some fun with it.
Wish Me Luck at 11:11 on 11:11:11
Some believe that you always get what you wish for at 11:11 AM or PM. Therefore, on 11/11/11 at 11AM all the starts must align and the luck will be in full force.
How to Celebrate 1/1/11, 1/11/11 , 11:11 and 11/11/11
The last time this century when the date will be complete composed of ones (1s).
As You Wish. 1st Wishes. Wishing Well. Well Wishers. 11:11 Wishes on 11:11:11
Wishing makes it so? 11:11 on 11:11:11. Angel Blessings and Dreaming Wishes
There are those who believe that there are two hours every day appointed for the making of magicks. Those two times are 11:11 AM and 11:11 PM. For those who believe, a wish made at such a propitious time is bound to come true…
What then are we to make of the notion of wishing a good wish at 11:11 on 11/11/11. Surely, if wishing makes it so, there could be no better time to wish for love, harmony and world peace. Wish for the all human, plant and animal diseases to be cured here and everywhere, now and forever. Wish that every religion that ever was and ever will be will be a religion of peace and non violence and all the followers of any and all religions will forsake all violence here and everywhere, now and forever. Wish that all the hungry will be fed and that there will be no more war. Wish that all these wishes would be fulfilled pleasurably and non-regrettably. What does “pleasurably and non-regrettably” mean? It means that if you knew all of the consequences of your wish, you would not regret any of them and they would still give you pleasure and happiness. It means that the worst day of your wish world is better than the best day of your world before the wish was fulfilled. No human being will suffer due to the fulfillment of your wish and all will be happy. If there are any regrets, then the wish was not fulfilled.
1/11/11 Angels and Lightworkers and 11*11*11
There once was a savant from Provence, who confused his shoes with his pants….
Well, enough of that!
It would appear that this November 11th 2011 has gotten the nuts shaking lose from the flakes and its every conspiracist for himself!
As per usual for these predictions that a celestial event will take place on a date certain, the saddest thing for the true believers will be if nothing happens. The true tragedy will be the twisted lies they must tell to cover up the failure of their predictions.
We cannot control probability and statistics. If we could they would not be probability and statistics. So some earthquake or eruption could happen on 11-11-11. But the likelihood is that no Angels will come out of clocks nor will people from Pleiades pick that moment to make a visit to the planet earth.
Nevertheless, I like following the way humans insist on putting the unusual and strange into their otherwise humdrum lives. I think it keeps us from getting bored. There’s that and then there is the fact that it sometimes seems that capitalism, that system that provide all our money, is circling the drain and the politicians are saying: one more flush ought to get it! We keep saying: What???? They keep flushing.
Meanwhile, back at the Angel Apocalypse. Some of you barely survived the Zombie Apocalypse. How will you withstand the rage of Angels? Knowledge, or an apparent variant, pseudo knowledge , will be the key to your salvation. Know you this, there are idiot savants who can do fantastical things like tell you whether a random date from a calendar hundreds of years in the past or future was a Thursday. Some of the folks who do strange and fantastical numerical calculations say that numbers have shapes or feel a certain way or have colors.
There are others such as numerologists and LightWorkers who say that numbers vibrate at specific frequency and like a sonic screwdriver yielded by the BBC’s Dr Who. Particular numbers when used in special ways can open up both the doors of perception and doorways to other worlds.
You will be pleased to note that some religious folks say that all such talk is either heresy or blasphemy and those who engage in it will surely join that guy who falsely predicted the rapture three times, in hell.
There are insights into the date 11-11-11 that almost sound like bad jokes. One person says the numbers inspire him to pray for oneness. That’s a lot of “Oneness” alright.
Given that succession of elevens can appear like dividing lines on a highway, perhaps we are to look for cosmic road kill, scrape this divine gift off the karmic pavement, batter it up in cornmeal or smother that bad boy in flour, fry it till it stops screaming, and eat that joke.
It’s time for your cosmic pedicure at 11:11 on the date 11:11:11.
Some say the Star Gate will open up on 11.11.11. Remember to stay well back of the wall mounted toilet when it flushes. You might not want to be caught up in that “Love Wave”.
One dude says a $50 bill once spoke mystically to him about a false flag attack on the Hoover dam on 11 November 2011. Let’s hope the FBI has that guy on a short leash lest he try to make his own predictions come true if the Powers that Be fail to do so. If I understand his prediction, and I don’t, but let’s pretend, if I did understand it, I might think he means the feds will do something in November. Let’s hope not.
As though the cosmic joke were not hilarious enough, some dude named Hilarion the ascended master is diddling with these dates so watch for ethereal missives from dead people. Hilarion was one serious dude in life, he was able to cure angry camels. (Does Hilary Clinton know about this?)
Apparently, 11 is an Angel number to some. As is 44. Angels like double digits apparently. Sounds like Angels are easily amused. By way, 111 is also an Angel number. So Angels like triplets too. How many Angel numbers are there? I lost count.
What do Angel numbers mean? Apparently it means that Angels are not very imaginative or terrible useful since they only way they have to communicate with us to have us fixate on meaningless numbers. You would think a miracle or two would be a much more useful way of doing this especially since any human could mess with the numbers you randomly encounter everyday but no human could make every invalid on the planet arise and walk simultaneously irrespective of his previous condition. The triviality of these supposed Angelic messages seem borne of desperation rather than inspiration.
In the end, since I have nothing better to offer, I would not remove the hope of the gullible for that may be all they have. I will simply offer the observation that the only way I have seen that the divine could manifest itself in our daily lives is if we are instruments of the divine and if we are God’s way of working miracles on the earth. If that revelation ever takes hold then here is another. We could largely wipe out all disease and all suffering due to disease if we stopped wasting money on bloated government health care systems and “wars of convenience.” By the way, before we got so distracted by politics, wasn’t healing the sick considered a miracle?
Prophecies of 11.11.11 and the Angelic Armageddon Apocalypse
How to Prepare for the End of the World
How Will You Spend Your Last Day on Earth?
How is the End Of the World Working Out for you?
11.11.11 and the Angelic Armageddon Apocalypse
Love, Light, Laughter and Spiritual Healing at 11:11 on 11-11-11. Angelic Blessings.
Some say if there were no God we would create one out supernatural and divine yearnings, needs, thoughts and practices.
We know what we want from Angels, Gods and messengers from other planes. Have you ever thought about what it is they are getting from us? If they are not getting anything from you, if you are a “false positive”, then don’t be surprised if nothing good comes your way. It is a law of the universe. You have to give to get. You have to put out positive vibrations to get them in return. You have to be a blessing to get a blessing. To be a blessing you have to live a blessing. Be blessed!
Look at it this way, you are indeed creating your own universe with your own mind. Is your universe ruled by fear and haunted by doubt? Is it always hungry in there and never satisfied? Do you people your corner of the universe with peace and joy or by the “I want more monster?” Your choice. It always was.
How can you get to the next level if you have never bothered to master this one?
Remember to laugh because it is after all, rather funny.
Wish Fulfillment: Curing All Diseases, Sickness and Illness through the Power of Prayer
Connecting with the one that IS
Inner Spiritual Awakening
Healing thru divine light
Meditations on Sexual Healing
How to Prepare for the End of the World
How Will You Spend Your Last Day on Earth?
How is the End Of the World Working Out for you?
11.11.11 and the Angelic Armageddon Apocalypse
The Worship of Unity: 11:11 on 11/11/11
It is said that the luckiest calendar number of the century is 11/11/11. Out of many ones comes good fortune–apparently. Once every century such a date occurs. You will have to live 100 additional years to see another like it. This is a once in a lifetime chance to see so many…ones (1s). Yeah, I can tell you are excited!
It has been called a counter culture apocalypse and a palindrome clock. 11:11 or 11/11/11. Same forward as backwards. Fancy that.
Some say that we have herein a catalyst for Global Unity. A date with destiny. A Hoover dam thingy? Don’t know about the Hoover dam thingy. Some people are REALLY weird.
So we have a special time coincidence and at 11 seconds after 11:11 on 11/11/11 a lot of champagne will be consumed with $11 pizzas.
It’s not 11/11/11?
No wonder the Europeans are broke. They can’t count!
11 | 11 | 11 |
11 | 11 | 11 |
11 | 11 | 11 |
11 | 11 | 11 |
11 | 11 | 11 |
11 | 11 | 11 |
9th Gate of the 11th HeavenSeeing 11s in 2011Butterfly 11
Art for Angels?Art 1/11/11Art 1.11.111/11/11 Art
Abstract , Digital, Fractal Designs and Art for 11,1/1/11,1/11/11,11/11/11By poetryman69
Art 1/11/11
By poetryman69Art 1.11.11
Abstract , Digital, Fractal Designs and Art for 11,1/1/11,1/11/11,11/11/11
By poetryman69
***Abstract , Digital, Fractal Designs and Art for 11,1.1.11,1.11.11,11.11.11By poetryman69
9th Gate of the 11th HeavenSeeing 11s in 2011Butterfly 11
Window Rock. Stone poetry for 090909. What rises from the desert under the moonlight.21 Dec 2012: The end of the World
Balls Killed the Loch Ness Monster
2012 the movieScientific Serendipity
It is better to be drunk than wasted
Attack of the Gray GooLooking for God in an Atom Smasher
Top 13 Scariest New Year Predictions
Top 11 Most Dangerous 2011 Predictions
2011 Predictions: Immortality and the Fountain of Youth Found and Destroyed
2011: Fictional Future Foibles. Predictions, Prognostications, and Prophecies
2011 Forecasts and Predictions11Th Heaven, 9Th Gate,
11:11:11 And 11/11 and 11/11/11Oprah Launches Winfrey Network on 1/1/11 1.1.11
How to Predict the Future: 2011
How to Celebrate 1/1/11, 1/11/11 , 11:11 and 11/11/11
2011 Predictions and the Year of the Shiny Bunny
2011 Predictions and the Year of the Shiny Bunny
2011: Year of the Metal Rabbit2011 Prediction2011 Forecasts and PredictionsThe Shape of Things to Come
2011: Fictional Future Foibles. Predictions, Prognostications, And Prophecies
2011 Predictions: The Greatest Economic Depression in our History
Abstract , Digital, Fractal Designs and Art for 11,1/1/11,1/11/11,11/11/11By poetryman69***
Lucky New Year. Good fortune. Propitious 1/1/11. 1.1.11. 1 Jan 2011.
9th Gate of the 11th HeavenSeeing 11s in 2011Butterfly 11
************Abstract Digital Art Inspired by 11/11/11By poetryman69
Top 11 Traditions11:111/1/11 and 1/11/1111/11/11
How to Predict 2011How to Celebrate 1/1/11 and 2011
How to Celebrate 1/1/11, 1/11/11, 11:11 and 11/11/112011 the Year of the Shiny Bunny
Predictions for 2011, the Year of the Yin Metal Rabbit
The Suns of Thunder Meet the Sisters of the Moon
Flower Poetry:
Poppy PoetryDandelionsRed Hibiscus
General Subject Poetry:
Angel Art and Art for Angels.Calling all Angels!
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11 11 11
11 11 11
11 11 11
A Gathering of 11 Angels at the 11th Hour
The Last Of the Angels: Angels Undone
Count down to the End of theWorld