Sunday, November 6, 2011

From Many: 1s (Ones). 11:11 and 11/11/11

Some think that there is something auspicious about a time containing all ones like 11:11.  Other think that a date containing all ones portends something like 11/11/11.

Some of us are just having some fun with it.


Wish Me Luck at 11:11 on 11:11:11

Some believe that you always get what you wish for at 11:11 AM or PM.  Therefore, on 11/11/11 at 11AM all the stars must align and the luck will be in full force.

Wishing at 11:11

Lucky Wedding Day

How to Wish for Luck



How to Celebrate 1/1/11, 1/11/11 , 11:11 and 11/11/11

The last time this century when the date will be complete composed of ones (1s).


As You Wish. 1st Wishes. Wishing Well. Well Wishers. 11:11 Wishes on 11:11:11

Wishing makes it so? 11:11 on 11:11:11. Angel Blessings and Dreaming Wishes

There are those who believe that there are two hours every day appointed for the making of magicks.  Those two times are 11:11 AM and 11:11 PM.  For those who believe, a wish made at such a propitious time is bound to come true…

What then are we to make of the notion of wishing a good wish at 11:11 on 11/11/11.  Surely, if wishing makes it so, there could be no better time to wish for love, harmony and world peace.  Wish for the all human, plant and animal diseases to be cured here and everywhere, now and forever.  Wish that every religion that ever was and ever will be will be a religion of peace and non violence and all the followers of any and all religions will forsake all violence here and everywhere, now and forever.  Wish that all the hungry will be fed and that there will be no more war.  Wish that all these wishes would be fulfilled pleasurably and non-regrettably.   What does  “pleasurably and non-regrettably” mean?   It means that if you knew all of the consequences of your wish, you would not regret any of them and they would still give you pleasure and happiness. It means that the worst day of your wish world is better than the best day of your world before the wish was fulfilled.  No human being will suffer due to the fulfillment of your wish and all will be happy.  If there are any regrets, then the wish was not fulfilled.


Angel Gate: 9th Gate of the 11th Heaven 11/1/11 and 11/11/11

9th Gate of the 11th Heaven

Spread Shirt 11 11 11


Angel Sightings


LuLu Angel Sightings

Amazon Angel Sightings

iTunes Angel Sightings


Angelic Doomsday Intervention


Easter Angels

9 11s

11th Heaven

Angel Art Archive


Demon Lovers and Dark Angels

Zombies and Angels

End of the World

Quiet Apocalypse


111111 11/11/11 11-11-11 

11 Forgotten Laws

How to Prepare for the End of the World

Angel Art Archive

The End Is Near, Again


Angelic Doomsday Intervention

Super Moon Madness

God is Busy

How Will You Spend Your Last Day on Earth?

How is the End Of the World Working Out for you?


11.11.11 and the Angelic Armageddon Apocalypse


Exporting China




LuLu Angel Sightings

Amazon Angel Sightings

iTunes Angel Sightings


Solar System Planets.Image via Wikipedia


11 Angels 11



Exporting China



Easter Eggs by Mystaric on FlickrImage via Wikipedia

Wishing at 11:11

Rosa Celeste: Dante and Beatrice gaze upon the...

Image via Wikipedia

Posted via email from poetryman69's posterous

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