Saturday, September 4, 2010

Inviting the Bank Robbers into the Bank

A Future Fictional Prediction:

When the history of the treason of the President Hussein administration is written, the leader of the free world will be asked, how could you not know that people dedicated to the violent overthrow of the government might actually try to do so?   Not one of the communists, Maoist, or Marxists you deliberately brought into the White House has any use for capitalism, the US government or the US banking system.  You can not honestly assert your surprise in their behavior when they telegraphed it  by running around and agreeing with such statements as “power comes from the barrel of a gun.”  In addition, it is clear that any who idolize Chairman Mao, Fidel Castro,  or Hugo Chavez, or who declare themselves to be communist or Marxist would use access to government information in a way that was detrimental to the people and the nation of the United States.

If in addition to looting US banks, these current or former President Hussein employees, gut the rest of the West then our allies will have little use for us and they might actually want us to “feel their pain.”

If you let a violent bank robber into a bank and he robs it, it is neither intelligent nor credible to say you didn’t know he was going to do that.

Like the old story of he scorpion who stings his benefactor, the question was not what would these communists, Marxists and Maoists that President Hussein insisted on putting in government would do.  The only questions where when, where and how would they do it.

Certainly the president Hussein administration  would be aided and abetted in covering up the Marxist attack on the world’s economic system–if and when it happens–by congress.  Both Senators and members of the House of  Representatives.  After all, progressives are stealth communists, liberals are stealth Marxists and democrats are stealth socialists.  Of course they would cover for the Marxist criminals and in some case do their bidding.

The biggest traitors in this matter are the news media.  They were supposed to be our last line of defense.   Instead, every time they spotted a communist thug, they either kissed his behind or covered it.    And they felt a tingle whenever some foreign born Marxist Muslim read from a teleprompter.  The only question about the press will be:  Where they whores who betrayed the people and the nation of the United States on the behalf of foreign powers, communists and criminals for free, whore did these whores take a bribe to do it?

And in closing may I say I support the construction of a presidential mosque for our first Muslim president Barack Hussein Obama.  My only stipulations  are  that the mosque not be built near Ground Zero and that it not be built while Barry Soetoro, our foreign born Marxist Muslim president, is in power.  Build it it Chicago when he loses the election in 2012.


10/10/10, Digital Doomsday, Cyber Apocalypse

October Surprise

Digital Cyber Terror Attack Code Named Bank Holiday


Posted via email from poetryman69's posterous

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