Friday, September 10, 2010

Stopping Ground Zero Mosque: Burn the Koran or Eminent Domain

I recently heard about Reverend Numbnutts, the worst preacher since that communist that Obama used worship, Reverend Wrong.  Reverend Numbnutts seemed to imply that his idea to burn the Quran was not so that he could get his pathetic 50 person church on the map.  Rather, it was to try to stop the Ground Zero, Barack Hussein Obama, Terrorist Victory Mosque from being built near the site of 9/11.  One of the terrorists who is building the mosque has already threatened to kill all of us in our sleep or some other unnamed brand of violence if he doesn’t get his way.

Let’s cut to the chase.  This mosque controversy is squarely on the shoulders of Mayor Bloomberg of New York and the first Muslim president of the United States, President Barack Hussein Obama.  The Supreme Court rulings are already in.  Government can claim Eminent domain for the purposes of building an outhouse if they want.  That communist Obama could declare Eminent domain and put a pig farm on the spot if he wants.  Bloomberg could claim it and build 9 statues of himself.  And maybe he could build a giant mirror as well so he can admire his own brilliance.

So don’t burn the Quran.  Start an Eminent domain petition and eat more pork and admire more girls in thongs.  I heard a very strict, very orthodox, supposedly holy man who said that woman showing cleavage causes earthquakes.  More quakes!!!


All Praise Hussein, the Muslim Name of President Barack Obama

Raising Money for Barrack Hussein Obama’s Presidential Mosque

Yes it’s true, the first Muslim president of the United States deserves his very own mosque.  However, 911′s Ground Zero is not the place for it and while he is still president is not the time for it.

I for one will donate money to a President Hussein mosque to be built in Chicago after Obama retires from office in 2012.  Obama’s mosque should be dedicated to great Islamic truths like the truth that there are more mosques in New York than there are churches in Saudi Arabia.  In fact there are no churches in Saudi Arabia.  Christianity is not allowed there.


Barack Hussein Obama is a Muslim

I love saying that because it drives every communist in America wild!!!

Actually President Hussein’s real name is Barry Soetoro and he is a foreign born Marxist Muslim.


A Burqa for Nancy Pelosi

Apparently Nancy Pelosi converted to Islam without telling anyone.  As a symbol of our toelerance for religious diversity I think everyone should send the speaker of the house of representatives a burqa so that she can dress appropriately and show her support for Sharia law.


The United Muslim States of Mexico or the Mexican Muslim States?

Have you noticed that Washington DC represents the interests of Muslims and illegal aliens but if you are a law abiding Christian citizen Washington calls you a bigot clinging to your guns and everything wrong is your fault.   It seems that if you are legal Christian citizen of the US the democratic party hates you and your God.

Progressives, liberals, democrats, communists, socialists and Marxists all seem to worship daily at the altar of your destruction.

Help is on the way and it’s going to be morning in America again.  All you have to to do is vote out every democrat in November and get everyone you know who agrees with you to register to vote and to vote.  In fact, find every conservative who has not registered or voted in years and get him registered and voting in the November election.  We have one last chance to save ourselves from the democrats who seem to hate us with every fiber of their being.


Suicide Christians

The Obama Deception

Tolerating Ourselves to Death

Redefining  Treason

Before you vote for another Democrat

9/11/10 and 10/10/10

Posted via email from poetryman69's posterous

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