Friday, January 28, 2011

Hitler’s Favorite Preacher

There are some preachers who say that government leaders where appointed by God and therefore we should always obey the government.

Certainly we have to pray that our president will stop being a  Marxist and that Chairman Obama, aka Barry Soetoro will stop trying to destroy the US constitution and stop trying to impose the communist manifesto on us.

North Korean or Soviet Union style communism are not of God.  If Hitler was our ruler nobody would say you must do what he says because all rulers come from God.  Get real people!!!

What we learned from the state of the union address:

Liberals like Barney Frank and Christopher Dodd nearly destroyed the world’s economy by insisting on giving  home loans to people who could not pay them back.  Obama keeps spending money even though we are broke.  Lesson,  liberals never believe in paying the bills.

Every state in the union should pass very strict laws requiring that everyone on the ballot for president, senator or congressman  prove his citizenship with a real, valid, and  verifiable birth certificate.  Otherwise you can’t be on the ballot, even as a write in candidate.

Obama is unrelenting in his plan to make China the world’s only super power and to make the United States the 10th rate vassal of the Imperial Communist State of China.  This is why Obama continues to spend trillions and save billions.  It is also why Obama insists on destroying the US economy with a Global Warming/Climate Change carbon trading scheme.  Prepare for Obama’s $5 per gallon gasoline!!!





Balanced Budget

Things that don’t need doing


Cutting the 2012 Federal Budget

$10 Trillion

How to Bankrupt a Nation


55% of likely voters know that Obama is actually a socialist


Posted via email from poetryman69's posterous

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