Saturday, May 1, 2010

Is President Barry Soetoro a Traitor?

Is President Barry Soetoro, aka Chairman Barack Hussein Obama, a traitor?

This is the problem when you elect a foreign born Marxist Muslim as president of the United States.  He has no loyalty to the US.  That is why he is screaming at Arizona that they are wrong to make illegals illegal.  Barry is illegal as is his Secretary of the Tax Cheats.    No wonder they support criminality.

Kick all the Illegals out now

Some commies are soft on criminals.  Enough Americans have been killed by Mexican drug lords.  Enough Americans have lost their jobs to criminals from across the border.  Deport all illegals now!!!

Free Abortions for Illegal Aliens!

At Last Chairman Obama and the Commie Crats have achieved their life long dream.  They can steal all the money in America and give it to illegal aliens!!!

I think they call it ObamaCare or Health care reform.

Health Care for Illegal Aliens

The members of congress who are trying to pay for health care for Illegal Aliens should be arrested and tried for treason.

Anyone who believes that non citizens should have their health care payed for by the US government should be invited to leave the country and go back to that country who’s citizens you love more than your own.

We have  recession here and millions of legal citizens of all races and nationalities are out of work.  We should not put up with traitors who insist that we continue to bankrupt ourselves by doing anything for criminals who are here illegally.  Those who don’t agree with this principle should leave and find a country that goes around giving it’s national treasure to criminal foreigners.  Cuba perhaps?

2010 Predictions: Bribes and Extortion Bring down Political Party!


Strictly speaking, it wasn’t the bribes and extortion that brought the party down, it was the revealing of the bribes and extortion that did it.

For years some had wondered why after 9/11 democrats and republicans in the senate, the house of representatives and even the presidency worked together to  allow drug lords, murderers, thieves, terrorists and job stealing illegal aliens across the border with Mexico.  At last it was revealed that almost every high official in every agency of government was taking a bribe.

First and foremost they were taking bribes from all the huge mega corporations.  The corporations didn’t want workers they wanted slaves they could mistreat, pay next to nothing wages for and pay no benefits to.  In the millions of illegals crossing the border, the corporations got the cheap, slave labor they had long sought.  All they had to do was to bribe presidents, congress and the senate to do it.  The had to bribe a DEA  and border security official now and then as well but for them it was well worth it.

Some wondered after it was revealed that almost every terrorist who attacked the United States on 9-11 was from an oil exporting country why the US did not move heaven and earth to get off of foreign oil.  Why did we insist on paying terrorists to kill us?  Why did we become more slavish to foreigners and their oil?  Why did we keep   sending trillions of dollars out of the country?

Again it was revealed that presidents, congressmen and senators had all been successfully bribed to kill the US oil industry and make the United States completely dependent on foreign energy.   The Climate Change/Global Warming scams was the most fortuitous part of the conspiracy.  Because of these bogus frauds people could be counted on not to think for themselves.   And since almost all  the news media had been bribed to repeat the lie, almost no one would realize that if Climate Change or Global Warming were true only China with over billion souls under it’s command could fix it.  Nothing that was done in the west would have any effect on it.  Nevertheless with every idiot in America repeating the obvious lie that America was an evil energy hog killing the planet, it was easier to destroy the domestic energy production.   This made the US completely dependent on the foreign, oil exporting nations bribing congress, the senate and the president.   The bonus was to tell any moron who would buy it that we would magically switch to alternative energy one day.  It was not that the alternatives didn’t exist.  This was not the scam.  Rather one in government ever moved a single centimeter in the direction of creating effective alternative energy sources.  For instance, for the money the government wasted enough money every year paying communist front groups to organize communities, to pay for the  the alternative energy infrastructure several times over.  For just $2 trillion dollars the US could be completely run off solar energy  in ten years.  The only reason why it was not done was that congress, the senators and the president had already taken bribes for which they promised they would do no such thing.  The government of the United States took bribes from oil producing foreign countries for the expressed purpose of keeping the US enslaved to foreign energy.

Washington DC had been bought and it stayed bought.




Creating Wealth

Wishing Well

Constellation of Idiots

Whose fault is it?

Post Consumerism

How to Plunder a Nation

Selling Zero

The Most Corrupt Politicians in Washington

Dictionary of Dreams

It is better to be Drunk than Wasted








Posted via web from poetryman69's posterous

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