A member of congress named Anthony Weiner who is from New York's 9th district has made name for himself by attacking conservative radio talk show host Glenn Beck. Glenn Beck who doubles as a cheerleader for the political mavericks known as the tea party has been a salesman
The fact is Chairman Barack Obama and created more indebtedness in a few years than the United States amassed in an over 200 year history. Obama is on a pace to create a debt level that taxing our grandchildren 100% could not pay off. The only way to pay off such massive debt, given that many in the world and in the United States are increasingly reluctant to purchase our debt, is to print money. Printing money will give us Zimbabwe or Weimar Republic levels of inflation. Gold is a rational, time test way to perserve wealth against inflation.
Weiner is just a congressional hotdog trying to hog the lime light.
The biggest Weiner in all of the world!!!
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