Monday, February 28, 2011
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Over 9000!
Looking for various ways to count large numbers, I stumbled across a classic Meme
There are about 6 x 10^23 molecules in a mole. That is almost a trillion trillion
The typical galaxy contains fewer than a 100 trillion stars
Our bodies contain on the order of 100 trillion cells.
It has been estimated that there are well over 1,000 trillions grains of sand on the earth
A Trillion Here and A Trillion There. Trillions and Trillions. Trillionaire.
By poetryman69
Let’s see.
Time for the clean up hitter.
What’s left on our trillion hit maker:
Links to the top 10 YouTube viral videos would be nice.
Beauty and makeup tips.
Relationship recommendations.
Sex and dating advice.
SEO, PR and marketing advice
Actually you owe $100 trillion
Most popular viral video topics
Top 10 Youtube videos of all time
Top 50, Includes that Idiot who wants you to Leave Britney alone
You want a Chicken Butt with that?
Only a Trillion
By poetryman69
Some have doubtless gotten the joke of trying to entice the innumerate to get one trillion “legitimate” clicks on a web page….
Let’s see, we still have Kewt Kittens, Bodacious Bikined Beach Blondes, and the hearts and flowers attack to go…
ow to get a Trillion Hits.
By poetryman69
I was thinking the other day: What would it take to get a trillion legitimate hits on a web page.
Well a legitimate hit has to be from a unique IP address operated by a human being. Not some zombie computer creation and not slave labor clicking for their very lives in an impoverished Asian nation. Given all that, I think it would take everyone enrolled on Facebook, clicking on a page every day for 6 years.
How to attract that kind of attention? Search me. I have trouble getting dozens of clicks per day!
Let’s round up the usual suspects of course. Sex, Celebrities and Rock and Roll. Viral videos and hints at get rich quick schemes that are some how “legitimate” this time.
Relationship advice.
And finally pictures of puppies and kittens…
4 Trillion Degrees and $2 Trillion
By poetryman69
To paraphrase Carl Sagan: Trillions and Trillions
The scientists who are, some say, trying to destroy the earth in a black hole with the Super Hadron Collider, over in Europe, are not just making the hottest thing in our little corner of the universe now: 4 Trillion Degrees. Later they will turn the power up to 14 Trillion Electron Volts and make that bad boy even hotter! Just in time for the end of the universe in 2012…
Two Trillion Dollars is what some wags think it will cost us if we get Death From Above!!! Maybe the sun is so mad at us for cornering the market on heat that it could just spit nails. But suns don’t spit nails. They spit highly energetic plasmas composed of charged particles. The problem is when the sun “farts” in our general direction. You see all that charged goodness is hard on our electronics. All of our sensitive electronics could head for that great digital round-up in the sky. Kind of like a cosmic Electro Magnetic Pulse (EMP) weapon.
The new net worth of US households is over $50 trillion. But never fear, now that they know what to aim at, Larry, Moe and Curly, aka Geithner, Obama, and Bernanke will conspire to borrow, print and spend $500 trillion before they are done. To these three stooges capitalism is one big joke.
Digital Cyber Terror Attack Code Named Bank Holiday
How to Avoid 7 Deadly Cyber Sins
Zeitgest: Zombie Bankers steal your money and eat your Face!
Kardashian and Paris Hilton Kiss and Make Up
By poetryman69
Apparently Paris Hilton and Kim Kardashian have buried the hatchet and not in each other.
Kim Kardashian and Paris Hilton Kiss and Make Up
The World’s Most Beautiful Woman
It is Better to be Drunk than Wasted
Still Sexy After all these Years
Twin bed pans overlooking the Septic Tank
Is Sarah Palin Qualified to Squeeze the Cheese?
Has Kim Kardashian posed nude? Again?
Kim Kardashian has the biggest Butt!
By poetryman69
It’s official: Kim Kardashian has the Biggest Butt! Reports are that she asked for that designation as her I-Phone avatar so why argue with the lady.
e World’s Cleanest Toilet. The World’s Cleanest Bathroom.
By poetryman69
If you have ever used a public restroom in a gas station or worse, a port-a-potty in public park, you will almost certainly become obsessed with cleanliness. The kind of public filth you encounter in some public facilities is hard to bear.
Seekers of the clean washrooms give what they call the “golden plunger” to meritorious toilets they have encountered across the nation.
I think some homage to the virtues of mediocrity must be given: just to keep it fair. McDonald’s has about the best, no hassle powder rooms across the fruited plains. I have used the facilities from Florida to California and Micky Ds consistently rate well above the gas-station-restroom-with-broken-lock-and-a-cracked-commode.
This is not an endorsement of McDonald’s food. I don’t much eat with that red-headed clown anymore. Something about those size 29 floppy shoes and the crimson bulbous nose which bespeaks of a man nursing an alcohol addiction whilst the urchins are watching, turns me off to plastic pancakes and rubber burgers. But compared to gas stations, McDonald’s water closets are the cat’s pajamas.
When it comes to ultra clean, ultra modern bathrooms, the Japanese have just about everyone beat. Everything from compact, space-saving forms for urinals and toilets to a toilet with more gadgets than a space capsule.
10 of the cutest baby animals photos ever
7 of the word’s most beautiful shrines
Britney Speers and Kim Kardashian
ve a Happy Beach Blonde Bikini Babe 2011 New Year!
By poetryman69
Still Sexy After all these Years
2010 Predictions. Billy and the Cyber Punks
Still Sexy After all these Years
Twin bed pans overlooking the Septic Tank
Is Sarah Palin Qualified to Squeeze the Cheese?
It is better to be drunk than wasted
It is Better to be Drunk than Wasted
Still Sexy After all these Years
Sexy, Sexier, Sexiest
Sexy, Sexier, Sexiest. You decide which is which. It’s all good.
Still Sexy After all these Years
2010 Predictions. Billy and the Cyber Punks
Still Sexy After all these Years
Twin bed pans overlooking the Septic Tank
Is Sarah Palin Qualified to Squeeze the Cheese?
It is better to be drunk than wasted
It is Better to be Drunk than Wasted
Still Sexy After all these Years
Photos of Sexy Bikini Hooters Girls
Sexy Celebs
By poetryman69
What is sexy? Sometimes that is in the eye of the beholder:
Getting your GaGa On!
By poetryman69
Still Sexy After all these Years
2010 Predictions. Billy and the Cyber Punks
Still Sexy After all these Years
Twin bed pans overlooking the Septic Tank
Is Sarah Palin Qualified to Squeeze the Cheese?
It is better to be drunk than wasted
It is Better to be Drunk than Wasted
Still Sexy After all these Years
Twin bed pans overlooking the Septic Tank
Is Sarah Palin Qualified to Squeeze the Cheese?
It is better to be drunk than wasted
It is Better to be Drunk than Wasted
One million jobs that you can apply for
Seasonal Employment: How to get a job in 30 days
Job Search, Careers and Employment
Job Search for the Older Worker
Learn How to Earn $25 per hour
xy, Sexier, Sexiest
By poetryman69

Still Sexy After all these Years
Twin bed pans overlooking the Septic Tank
Is Sarah Palin Qualified to Squeeze the Cheese?
It is better to be drunk than wasted
It is Better to be Drunk than Wasted
Still Sexy After all these Years
Bikini Contest Babes
Still Sexy After all these Years
2010 Predictions. Billy and the Cyber Punks
Still Sexy After all these Years
Is Sarah Palin Qualified to Squeeze the Cheese?
Searching for a telecommuting job
10 Rules for Getting Rich and Staying that Way
The Perils of Mystery Shopping
Pierced Beauty: Fashion and Pain
Global Warming and Climate Change
It is Better to be Drunk than Wasted
Still Sexy After all these Years
2010 Predictions. Billy and the Cyber Punks
Still Sexy After all these Years
Is Sarah Palin Qualified to Squeeze the Cheese?
Searching for a telecommuting job
10 Rules for Getting Rich and Staying that Way
The Perils of Mystery Shopping
Pierced Beauty: Fashion and Pain
Global Warming and Climate Change
It is Better to be Drunk than Wasted
Still Sexy After all these Years
Still Sexy After all these Years
2010 Predictions. Billy and the Cyber Punks
Is Sarah Palin Qualified to Squeeze the Cheese?
Searching for a telecommuting job
10 Rules for Getting Rich and Staying that Way
The Perils of Mystery Shopping
Pierced Beauty: Fashion and Pain
Global Warming and Climate Change
It is Better to be Drunk than Wasted
Hearts and Flowers for Valentine’s Day Feb 14 2011
Clip Art, Icons, and Thumbnails of Hearts and Flowers for Valentine’s Day 2011
Love Poems and Valentines Verses
Praying your Heart will Freeze
Twilight: Waiting on the New Moon
Free Short Poems online. Free Gallery online
Full Metal Valentine
Have a Full Metal Valentine’s Day this year
Poetry Gallery
Here are some links to free, short poems on the internet. There are also links for love poems and poetry books online.
Free Poems:
Flower Poetry:
General Subject Poetry:
who is the cutest,cutest pet,cutest kittens,cute,kewt
10 of the cutest baby animals photos ever
7 of the word’s most beautiful shrines
Britney Speers and Kim Kardashian
Jello and Broccoli
Edible Flowers
It is better to be drunk than wasted
Eat as Much as You like and Still Lose Weight
Sugar in your Gas Tank not in your Stomach
Ever heard of the Parasite Diet? How about the Mastication Diet.
Surfing Goat: Squeezing the Cheese out of them
There is no minimum daily requirement for refined sugar
Are you lying about your diet?
Why are you lying about your diet?
ternet Marketing
By poetryman69
Telecommuting and Making Money Online
By poetryman69
The goal of everyone who does not want to be permanent commuter on the highway of life is to make money, legally without lifting a finger. We want passive income streams. If you are the creative type there are at least two ways to do this:
1. Writing
2. Art
Merely creating pearls of prose or great art is necessary but not sufficient for creating wealth. You need another ingredients. You need a receptive audience of consumers. There are several ways to garner this:
- Search Engine Optimization
- Press Releases
- Free URL Submissions
- Bookmarking Sites
You have to give to get. Unless you are a street beggar you have to generate something that people want to see and then you have to host your creative works. Sites such as AssociatedContent,Bukisa, eHow, and Triond are places to post your stuff. On AssociatedContent and Bukisa you can actually create sideshows or mini movies to display your wares.
All of the sites I just mentioned also allow you to display written content. For those sites that allow it, you may make additional money by creating an article and posting it in several places. For instance, at the time of this writing AssociatedContent and Bukisa allow you to post your stuff that you originally created somewhere else on their site.
Make sure you pay attention to the terms of services and publication agreements that you are signing onto when you post.
Don’t forget to advertise your wares. Submit your site to the free URL submission engines. Generate keywords and use tags so that people will find you when they are searching. It is difficult to take over a single keyword like the word “Art.” Too many have come before you for you to be successful that. But you might be able to hone in on a niche phrase and cash in on a particular portion of the consumers. For instance, “Art for dogs.” Now there can’t be too many people who are exclusively generate dog art or art for dogs. You can get to number one on that search and get the most eyeballs for that particular phrase on your stuff.
Make Money Online
By poetryman69
How to make money from your Art
Using your hobbies to work from home
How to find telecommuting work
How to survive a jobless recovery
Job Search for the Older Worker
One Million Jobs That You Can Apply for
Better than minimum Wage
By poetryman69
$30 and hour without a 4 year college degree
One million jobs that you can apply for
Seasonal Employment: How to get a job in 30 days
Job Search, Careers and Employment
Job Search for the Older Worker