There was a movie called the Manchurian Candidate wherein our enemies conspired to put a traitor into the presidency of the United States.
Whether our enemies created Obama, or he was foreign born, Marxist Muslim named Barry Soetoro, shaped by 20 years of listening to Reverend Wrong condemn America, is an open question.
What is clear is that Obama is engaged in an on going conspiracy designed to get Marxist legislation like Cap and Trade passed and Communist reforms such as “Comprehensive” immigration reform. Certainly the Obama care legislations also know as Marxist medicine was socialized medicine at it’s worst: all taxes and no benefits.
Two conspiratorial moves that President Barry Soetoro, aka Chairman Barack Hussein Obama has made constitute high crimes and treason. They are:
1) Deliberately allowing the BP Oil spill to pollute Gulf of Mexico by denying all of the measures that should have been taken until a hurricane hit and made those measures less than useful. He has done this to try to force the socialist, redistribution legislation known as Cap and Trade through. The chief purpose of Cap and Trade is to make Al Gore rich.
2) Deliberately leaving the southern border open to violent drug gangs, coyotes, and illegal aliens. There are many, many reason for doing this. The first is to depress American wages and working conditions to third world standards. The second is to do what wealthy businessmen buy politicians to do–namely import slave labor that gets no benefits. The third is to import illegal voters. The fourth is to buy the votes of legal voters who believe the border issue is question of race or class or some other Marxist dodge.
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101010,10/10/10,10-10-10,Digital Doomsday,Cyber Apocalypse
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