Saturday, July 24, 2010

Van Jones and Shirley Sherrod? Holy Communist Batman!!!

Van Jones, unrepentant communist, has glommed  on to the Shirley Sherrod case and tried to portray himself as an innocent victim as well.

The only only part of this scenario that makes sense is that  the  opinion piece written by Van Jones was featured in a filthy communist rag known as the New York Times.

Is this what you call dropping the radical pose to achieve the radical ends Mr Karl Marx, whoops I mean Mr Van Jones?


The Obama Administration acted Stupidly in the Shirley Sherrod Case

By poetryman69

What happened to Shirely Sherrod should be a cautionary tale.   She gave a talk to the NAACP years ago wherein she revealed that at one time she used to think and act in a race based manner but she saw the error of her ways. I don’t particularly care for the fact that her new found paradigm seemed to be left wing class warfare, but I digress.

Some right wing bloggers were eager to counterattack against the purely political move of the National Association for the Advancement of Communist People stating that the Tea Baggers are racists or at least tolerate racism.   The right wing bloggers did the same thing that the communists who smear patriots do, they took Shirely’s words out of context and used editing to make her and the NAACP look worse than they are.  The Obama administration fired Shirely Sherrod on a basis of the doctored evidence and the NAACP swiftly concurred.

After the whole  tape of Shirely’s remarks came out and after the family she had supposedly been racist toward said that they credited her with saving their farm,  there was a fair amount of back pedaling going on but the deed was done.  She had been fired and at this point her employer, the USDA, refused to rehire her.

This incident points up several facts.  The main point is that we need be a lot more careful about how much power we give to a huge federal government.  The left wants the government to make life and death decisions about our health, energy usage, freedom of speech and every other aspect of our lives.  The government would literally have the right to take our lives if some bureaucrat mistook one of us for a terrorist.  For the government to say “Whoops, my bad”  after shooting you in the back for crimes committed against the state is not a situation I for one care to be in.

The feds and the NAACP would never have been put in the situation of acting too hastily had they not colluded to smear  the Tea Baggers and call them racists and had they not conspired to hide the very real racism and voter intimidation of the New Black Panthers.  The Panthers are on record advocating the murder of children.


JournOList. The Day Journalism Died. The Day Reporters Lied.

By poetryman69

Many have wondered why it is so easy to find made up stories about Tea Party Racism while the real racism of New Black Panther Party, wherein they stated they wanted to murder children, remains hidden.

Were so called “journalists” taking a bribe or was it that their Marxists tendencies where showing?

It turns out that news stories that would not be beneficial to the Chairman Obama regime were spiked.  The news was  fixed.  It was as they used to say in the Soviet Union:  there is no Pravda in Izvestia and no Izvestia in Pravda.  No truth in the news and no news in the truth.

Spiking the Wright

Liberal Media Bias

Media plots


Tea Party Racism and the NAACP

By poetryman69

National Association for the Advancement of Communist People (NAACP)

How to Bankrupt a Nation

President Karl Marx:  A love story

How to Plunder a Nation

55% of likely voters know that Obama is actually a socialist

6 Things that are destroying America

Replacing the Constitution with the Communist Manifesto


Will Obama replace the US Constitution with the Communist Manifesto?

Digital Cyber Terror Attack

Before you Vote for another democrat

The Road to Serfdom

Cyber Terror Attack

Overton Window

Global Warming and Climate Change

Teleprompter Tingle

Hoaxes and Frauds

Illegal Immigration

Corrupt Absolutely

Go Elf Yourself Whopper Virgin!

Illegal Immigration:  Let’s Follow Mexico

Government Sponsored Criminal Conspiracy

Obama Sex Scandal

Our First Communist President

Is President Barry Soetoro a traitor?

Bar Hoping after Midnight

10 Rules for Getting Rich and Staying that Way

Useful Idiots

Zombie Zeitgeist

Global Warming is a Religion

Don’t save the Planet.  It’s too late

Free Abortions for Illegal Aliens!

Saving half a Trillion Dollars

Twilight Zone Elections

Torture Fashion: Beauty and Pain

Posted via email from poetryman69's posterous

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