Friday, July 9, 2010

Poll says 55% of Americans think Obama is a Socialist

A recent poll shows that 55%  of likely voters believe that President Barack Hussein Obama is a socialist.

This poll is puzzling for many, many reasons.   For instance, do the 45% who don’t think Obama is a socialist even know what socialism is? Even before Obama was elected he stated that he wanted to redistribute America’s wealth.  He wanted the most powerful government in the world to force it’s citizens to share their wealth with dictators and terrorists and people who routinely burn up every dime of charity they have ever been given.  We have  a word for this desire on the part of a politician.  The word is “Socialist.”

Once in office Obama surrounded himself with people had openly declared themselves communists, people who admire communists and communist philosophy and people who supported the violent over throw of the government.  In other words, once in office, Obama acted like a socialist.

Obama’s principle solution to any problem involves taking money from someone who earned it and giving it to someone who didn’t.  Or as Marxists put it:  From each according to his means.  To each according to his needs.

Obama has stated that he serves the purposes and needs of international unions.  Unions who freely admit that their credo is the Marxist one:  Workers of the World Unite!

When the BP gulf oil spill happened Obama worried a great deal less about plugging the hole and a great deal more about looting an oil company and enacting the socialist redistribution scheme called Cap and Trade.

When it comes to immigration reform, Obama is backing the interests of criminals who are in the country illegally over the rights of legal citizens.  The illegals guarantee a lower standard of living for citizens.  Illegals accept lower wages and benefits.  For a socialist like Obama this yields three Marxist benefits.  First it redistributes American wealth to Mexico.  Second it brings down the American standard of living so that Americans are closer to third world poverty.  Third it turns illegals into voters and they will immediately vote Marxist.

There is a reason why Obama bows like a lowly slave to every other ruler on the earth.  His bows are a promise to loot America and give away everything we own.

It is sad that only 55% of likely voters know the truth about Obama.  However it is said that over 40% of the American people don’t pay any  taxes.  It may be that those who are receiving the wealth of people who still work, don’t find it expedient to tell the working stiffs what they truly think of them.


From Crony Capitalism to Crony Communism

By poetryman69

Under George II crony capitalism flourished.  It seemed that through illegal and pointless wars and hurricane debacles you could always  find a similar list of the usual suspects, overcharging the taxpayers and/or riding roughshod over the civil rights of hapless citizens.   Amongst the cronies that got no-bid contracts and sweetheart deals were numbered the old pals of Bush and Cheney that they ran with in their private sector days and some other wealthy patrons that filled the coffers of Republicans come election time.    So you would almost always see some oil companies getting the goodies along with Halliburton, Kellog Brown and Root and Blackwater.

Under President Barry Soetoro, also know as Chairman Barack Hussein Obama, the most astonishing thing is that some of the old players are still around.  As the bard says:  “The song remains the same”  and “Meet the new boss.   Same as the old boss.”  The more things change the more they stay the same.  So you still hear about oil companies like BP and corporations like Halliburton and Blackwater keeping their hand in.

But under Obama, the Communist in Chief, new forms of corruption have emerged.  Marxism requires a bolder more open style of looting the treasury.  Now we have likes of George Soros, Al Gore,General Electric, big labor, and public employee unions numbered among the usual suspects.

When it comes to legalized theft, socialism is one of the best forms of government ever devised.  Not only can you steal tax dollars and give them to your friends, in addition,   socialism gives you the power to tell people how to live their lives in detail and thus to pick their pockets directly.   This is the purpose of Obama Care, Cap and Trade and Immigration reform.

But I digress.  Back to the subject at hand:  Crony Communism.

One of the easiest ways to recognize cronyism is find a large, inexplicable event, wherein a lot of money is involved.  Take the BP gulf oil spill for instance.

How did BP, an oil company with one of the worst safety records on the planet, get a permit to perform one of the riskiest types of oil drilling operations,  from the most environmentally conscious administration in living memory?  The millions that BP gave to Obama and rest of the democrats before the last election is looking very much like a bribe right about now.


The Obama Conspiracy

By poetryman69

There was a movie called the Manchurian Candidate wherein our enemies conspired to put a traitor into the presidency of the United States.

Whether our enemies created Obama, or he was foreign born, Marxist Muslim named Barry Soetoro, shaped by 20 years of listening to Reverend Wrong condemn America, is an open question.

What is clear is that Obama is engaged in an on going conspiracy designed to get Marxist legislation like Cap and Trade passed and Communist reforms such as “Comprehensive”  immigration reform.   Certainly the Obama care legislations also know as  Marxist medicine was socialized medicine at it’s worst:  all taxes and no benefits.

Two conspiratorial moves that President Barry Soetoro, aka Chairman Barack Hussein Obama has made constitute high crimes and treason.  They are:

1) Deliberately allowing the BP Oil spill to pollute Gulf of Mexico by denying all of the measures that should have been taken until a hurricane hit and made those measures less than useful.  He has done this to try to force the socialist, redistribution legislation  known as Cap and Trade through.  The chief purpose of Cap and Trade is to make Al Gore rich.

2)  Deliberately leaving the southern border open to violent drug gangs, coyotes, and illegal aliens.  There are many, many reason for doing this.  The first is to depress American wages and working conditions to third world standards.  The second is to do what wealthy businessmen buy politicians to do–namely import slave labor that gets no benefits.  The third is to import illegal voters.  The fourth is to buy the votes of legal voters who believe the border issue is question of race or class or some other Marxist dodge.


Would Elena Kagan and Barack Obama read the Declaration of Independence?

By poetryman69

Probably not.

They would have to put down the Communist Manifesto to read the Declaration of Independence.

Replacing the US Constitution with the Communist Manifesto

Required Reading for Citizen:  Maybe not for foreign born, Marxist Muslims like Barry Soetoro


Will Obama Kill the Internet? Congress Proposes Internet Kill Switch.

By poetryman69

Marxists in congress would rather have a dictator under the Communist Manifesto than a President under the constitution.

For this reason  Senator Rockefeller wants to give Obama the power to shut down the internet.  Anytime Obama, Rockefeller, or any other communist decides they don’t like you, they could become Internet Nazis.  No Internet for you!!!

If an undefined cyber emergency happens–for instance, suppose Michelle breaks a fingernail–the Internet would be shut down.

Kommies Kill the Internet!


On second though, maybe he could shut down those commies at the Huffington Post first!

Will Obama replace the US Constitution with the Communist Manifesto?

Digital Cyber Terror Attack

Before you Vote for another democrat

The Road to Serfdom

Cyber Terror Attack

Overton Window



Is George Soros Barack Hussein Obama’s Puppet Master?

By poetryman69

Does George Soros pull Obama’s strings?  Does Obama always do what his master George Soros says?  Has Barack Hussein Obama made George Soros billions of dollars by halting all offshore drilling in the United States?

Soros does not directly pull the strings of his puppet Obama.  Instead Soros goes through a communist front group that he funds called the Center for American Progress.  As a communist front group the Center for American Progress  naturally supports the best plan out there for destroying Capitalism and reducing the United States to a third world nation:  Climate Change and Global Warming.   They do this through a Kommie blog called Climate Progress.  The most important thing to remember in American politics is that the terms “Progress” and “Progressive”  usually mean America hating Kommie scum that worships at the altar of the destruction of capitalism.  If only they could take Soros’ billions first….

Obama Boss Soros to benefit from Gulf Oil Spill Disaster

Obama helps Soros drill for oil in Brazil

Soros buys Brazilian oil

Obama backs oil drilling in Brazil


Is Al Gore the Trillion Dollar Man?

By poetryman69

As an owner of Carbon Trading companies, Al Gore may be poised to siphon  money directly from your pocket into his.  So when your energy costs are sky rocketing, take heart.  You are making Al Gore rich!!!

Billions from Green Energy

The Carbon Mafia

Al Gore sued by 30,000 Scientists?

The American Power Act


The Definition of Cap and Trade

By poetryman69

Apparently there is some consternation out there about the definition of Cap and Trade.  Let me clarify the situation and get my two cents in.

1)  The principle purpose of Cap and Trade is to make Al Gore filthy rich.

2)  A secondary purpose of Cap and Trade is make the United States 100% dependent on foreign oil

3)  Another purpose of Cap and Trade is to punish the United States.

4)  Another purpose of Cap and Trade is so that government representatives who have been bribed by foreign entities to destroy and disable the United States do what they have been bribed to do.

5)  Cap and Trade will destroy the domestic energy industry

6)  Cap and Trade will drive the United States from a recession to a Deep Depression.

You might ask why any red blooded patriot would do any of those things to the United States.   No red blooded patriot would.  The people who are in charge of the United States now don’t like us very much and they aim to see us pay, and pay and pay.  One of these luminaries I think his name was Barry Soetoro, said energy prices would necessarily sky rocket.

Cap and Trade:  Marxist Energy Policy




Hoaxes and Frauds. Scams and Shams.

By poetryman69

President Barack Hussein Obama is the richest sources of Hoaxes and Frauds as well as Scams and Shams of any president in recent memory.  Certainly his Nobel Peace prize awarded before he even became president was a sham.  Also health care reform, cap and trade, and comprehensive immigration reform are all Marxist dodges the true intent of which is reduce the United States to third world status, destroy the US dollar and make the United States a communist country.  But those aren’t the only scams concerning Barry Soetoro, aka Barack Obama.

One perpetrator who appears to have some personal vendetta against Barack Obama intends to hold what looks like a completely fraudulent treason trial against our first Communist in Chief.

A claim has been advanced, without proof, of Obama sleeping with someone not his wife.

Some claim that Obama’s real name is Barry Soetoro and that he is a foreign-born Marxist Muslim

There was a rumor that Green Communists blew that oil well in the gulf but now it appears that problems were caused by an errant methane bubble, sloppy government enforcement of regulations, and penny-pinching corporate greed (can’t evil corporations be grateful that we let them steal billions from us?  Just once?)

The government and wealthy corporations are plotting to use illegal aliens to destroy the United States.  The scam, sham, fraud and hoax occurs when the bribed news media reports that this is not so.

It is a scam and a fraud that the only reason that the news media supports Obama is because they are all bribed.  Some of the news media feels a tingle whenever Obama reads from a teleprompter.  They don’t need a bribe.

Some folks believe that one day Zombie bankers will steal all your money and eat your face.




Naked in America

How to Travel Naked

Pierced Beauty:  Fashion and Pain

The Glutton Diet

Global Warming and Climate Change


Hoaxes and Frauds. Obama vs Soetoro

By poetryman69

Global Warming and Climate Change

Teleprompter Tingle

Hoaxes and Frauds

Illegal Immigration

Corrupt Absolutely

Go Elf Yourself Whopper Virgin!

Illegal Immigration:  Let’s Follow Mexico

Government Sponsored Criminal Conspiracy

Obama Sex Scandal

Our First Communist President

Is President Barry Soetoro a traitor?

Bar Hoping after Midnight

10 Rules for Getting Rich and Staying that Way

Useful Idiots

Zombie Zeitgeist

Global Warming is a Religion

Don’t save the Planet.  It’s too late

Free Abortions for Illegal Aliens!

Saving half a Trillion Dollars

Twilight Zone Elections

Torture Fashion: Beauty and Pain




Monsters and Mutants

Delicious Monsters

Mutant Oranges

Putting Exotic Things in your Mouth

Demon Lovers and Dark Angels

EMF Ghost and UFO detectors

Z-Day.  Zeitgeist

Fools Asses and Klowns

Still Sexy After all these Years

2010 Predictions. Billy and the Cyber Punks

Going GaGa!

Naked in America

The Secret Lives of Nudists

Traveling Naked


Still Sexy After all these Years

Twin bed pans overlooking the Septic Tank

Is Sarah Palin Qualified to Squeeze the Cheese?

Traveling Naked

Avoid a fat head

It is better to be drunk than wasted

How to Travel Naked

Beer Alert

A Constellation of Idiots

It is Better to be Drunk than Wasted

Texas Toast

Going GaGa!

GooGoo GaGa

One million jobs that you can apply for

Consider a job in management

Seasonal Employment:  How to get a job in 30 days

Job Search, Careers and Employment

Online Job Search

Government Work

Job Search

Job Search for the Older Worker

How get a job in 30 days

$50,000 per year

Earning $25 per hour







Online Job Search

Government Work

Job Search

Job Search for the Older Worker












Eating Fire Ants

The Chewing Gum Diet

Chewing the Fat

Golf Balls Killed the Loch Ness Monster


Scientific Serendipity

Jello and Broccoli

Edible Pets

Delicious Monsters

Pizza Squirrel

Sugar in your gas tank

Texas Toast

Edible Flowers

Gift Wrapped Garbage

It is better to be drunk than wasted

Easter Eggs

Eating bacteria

Why you are fat


Lying about your diet

Twenty Dieting Tips

Eat as Much as You like and Still Lose Weight

Delicious Monster Diet

Lose Toxic Fat

Tea Diet

Sugar in your Gas Tank not in your Stomach

Eating Bald

Cancer and the Miracle Fruit

Eating Bugs

Movie Star Diet

The United Nations Diet

Purple Diet

Maple Syrup Diet

Raw Food Diet

Hey, the Rat likes it!

Wine Diet

Delicious Monster Diet

Blue Food Diet

The Green Tea Diet

Toxic Diet

Ever heard of the Parasite Diet?  How about the Mastication Diet.

A History of Dubious Dieting

Most Radical Diets

Purple Food Diet

No Cooked Fruit Diet

No Fructose Corn Syrup Diet

Vinegar Diet

Surfing Goat:  Squeezing the Cheese out of them

There is no minimum daily requirement for refined sugar

Purple Food Diet

Acai Berry

Crazy Diets

Are you lying about your diet?

Why are you lying about your diet?





Government Work

Beer and Burgers Diet

Perform on Online Job Search

Job Search



























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bruised moon

blue moon

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Runes and Moons


Angelic Verses


Rumors of Angels




Digital Art

Angel Sightings

Cyber Rainbows

Selling Rainbows

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Posted via email from poetryman69's posterous

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