Monday, July 19, 2010

Rush Limbaugh is deaf. Glenn Beck may go blind. Who will be next?

Will Alex Jones lose his voice so we can have Hear no Evil, See no Evil, Speak no Evil?

Communists everywhere are doubtless gleeful.

There is a kind of cautionary tale here.

Watch how much you beg to be holy or divine.

Remember you do not worship Santa Claus who would give you everything you want.

In fact, pay attention next time.

Santa Claus was not crucified.

Be careful what you wish for.

Not just Holier than you.

Holier than you CAN be.

Taking from Limbaugh and Beck and giving to Hugo Chavez and Fidel Castro



The Overton Window


Glenn Becks The Overton Window

By poetryman69

There are many bon mots   concerning politics:

Don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good.

All politics is local.

Never let a good crisis go to waste.

Power comes from the end of gun.

Politics is the art of the possible.

The principle behind the Overton Window is the notion that a politician can only take the nation so far.  For instance, sure President Barry Soetoro, aka Chairman Barack Hussein Obama would like to  instantaneously turn the United States into a communist country, but the people would not stand for it.   So President Soetoro sneaks up on communism by installing Kommie Kare or socialized medicine.  Chairman Obama has had the government take over banks and car companies.  And by deliberately screwing up the BP oil spill in the Gulf, Chairman Obama has manufactured for himself yet another opportunity to shift his Overton Window.  Cap and Trade, a communist plot to make Al Gore and Maurice Strong very rich, destroy the domestic energy industry and make the United States completely dependent on foreign oil, was dead in the water.  However, by allowing the BP spilled oil to kill plants, animals and sea faring industries, President Barry Soetoro can now claim that domestic oil is evil and that all Americans should be paying trillions of dollars in carbon trading fees and taxes take us off of domestic produced fossil fuels.  Cap and Trade will probably make Al Gore, who is up to his neck in the carbon trading industry,  very, very rich and it will destroy the economy of the US and drive us into a depression.  But then, Chairman Obama never liked capitalism anyway.  Prepare to pay $10 per gallon for gas.  But it will be worth it.  Just think,you are buying communism on the installment plan!!  And all those foreign nations who bribed congress and the executive branch to sell out the American people will at last get what they paid for!!!


Why does the President Hate Louisiana?

Doomsday and Cyber Terror Attack

Glenn Beck and the Road to Serfdom

Redefining Treason

No, not the Wiener!!!

7 Deadly Cyber Sins

Let’s follow Mexico!

Betting on Economic Collapse

2010 Predictions

How to Bankrupt a Nation

The Overton Squid


Before You Vote for Another Liberal

Ask him if he intends to turn the United States into Greece.

Greece is facing riots in the streets and economic collapse.

What caused economic collapse?

1)  Deficit spending–Every democrat in congress is for deficit spending

2) Short selling by the likes of billionaire George Soros–Soros is one of the biggest backers of the democrats because they do not interfere with his plans to short sell the United States

3)  Greece provided universal health care for it’s people–Obama is forcing universal health care on the United States

4)  Unions in Greece succeeded in getting more pay for less work as well as exorbitant pensions–Through card check and other pro-Union initiatives the democrats are poised to give unions the same carte blanche that has already destroyed Greece

5)  Runaway inflation–If your politician can not give you a reasonable answer about where the money is coming from then he intends to print the money.  Remember that China is growing increasingly reluctant to buy our debt so the printing press is all that’s left.  Printing more money will cause the same runaway inflation that hit Zimbabwe and the Weimar Republic.

Obama has already submitted a budget for 2011 that is over $1 trillion in the red, even though Obama claimed that he could find $500 billion in savings in health care spending alone.  Wake up now or face a Greecian formula in your future.

If your congressman or senator has signed on to some or all of the above, ask him why he hates you and wants to destroy America.



How to Plunder a Nation

Betting on the Collapse of the World

The Shape of Things to Come

How to Bankrupt a Nation

Government is not here to help

Flight of the Billionaires

The Union Of Socialist States of America

President Karl Marx:  A Love Story

Government does not create Wealth

How to Plunder a Nation

The Capitalist Manifesto

Eat your dog

6 Things Destroying America or Why we need Term Limits in the Constitution

Before you vote for another Liberal







Digital Death Penalty

By poetryman69

Digital Death

7 Deadly Cyber Sins

Digital Death Penalty

How to Avoid 7 Deadly Cyber Sins

How to Commit Cyber Suicide

Hoaxes and Frauds

Zeitgest:  Zombie Bankers steal your money and eat your Face!

Sham Wow:  The Snuggee Warrior

Dick Cheney as FUtus of BORG

Dictionary of Dreams







Bilderburg Group

Protesting Bilderburg

Who is ruining the world?

Conspiracy of Silence

Bilderberg Group, Bilderberg conference, Bilderburg Club

High Priests of Globalization


Overton Window(definition)

Overton Window (book)

A Model of Policy Change

Kommies hate it!!!


Posted via email from poetryman69's posterous

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