Sunday, November 21, 2010

2011: Fictional Future Foibles. Predictions, Prognostications, and Prophecies

1)     A disgraced legislator takes down an entire committee with him rather than take getting kicked out of congress lying down.   He names the names of every congressman in either party who is receiving bribes.  Congressional corruption takes out 40 congressmen.  They are all prosecuted and imprisoned

2)    After the heat from the 1st great bribery scandal of 2011 had cooled, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.  Well almost everyone.  A number of remaining politicians were looking over their shoulders and for good reason.  It began with a trickle.  One certain South American communist dictator insulted a democrat leader.  In response the democrat said something like: “You commie whore!  Did republicans put you up this?”   Then it was on.  Communist, Marxist and socialist dictators around the world began screaming at the top of their rhetorical lungs that they wanted their bribes back with interest.  Neither the white house, nor the senate, nor the House of Representatives was delivering on their promises.  They weren’t given the free, special access to the American markets they were promised and the hordes of illegal aliens they were sending through Mexico where being turned back at the border.

The white house first denied involvement and then found a lesser cabinet secretary to take the fall.  The democrat legislators tried to hide behind the Secretary of Sleaze but their foreign creditors were having none of it.

Next the congressmen tried to tap that billionaire communist who was for ever trying to destroy the United States and turn it Marxist.  The billionaire communist had found other ways to steal money from western idiots.  He had no use for needy US politicians who could not deliver.  The democrats were hung out to dry.

3)    The bribery scandal did not stop with congress this time.  It reached out to other democrat centers of power.  Certain union bosses were also called on the carpet by their foreign paymasters.  At long last some newspapers began to ask why where American unions colluding with and making deals with foreign workers in 3rd world countries?  Why were union bosses in favor of importing illegal immigrants as slave labor?  Didn’t all this slave labor bring down the wages and benefits of American workers?  And even for those union bosses who did not directly support practices that would hurt their members, why did they insist on supporting democrats who work every day for open borders and slave labor?  Clearly at least some union bosses are not working for their members.  So who are what are they working for and does the bribe money they get soothe their consciences for giving the working man the biggest screw job in history?  The next generation of labor bosses would be more careful about revealing their alliances

4)    And again, there was heard a great sigh of relief throughout the land.  But it was short lived.  By now, everyone realized that there were at least still two groups of people who constantly and consistently pontificated against the best interests of the United States.  The news media and the pundits who daily fed that hungry beast.  Given the simple facts and Global Warming and Climate Change are Marxist hoaxes that seek to destroy the west and make China the only super power, why do the news media and pundits continue to promote these frauds?  Of course many in the news media and in the ranks of punditry were taking bribes.  But about a quarter of those who hated the United States for a living turned out to be commie whores who hated the United States and where trying to destroy capitalism for free.   The news media was already losing viewership lost almost all their customers and had to be bailed out the government.  Only the government had run out of bailout money.  Most of the media went out of business.  The few were left were largely bought out by foreign money so they no longer need bribes or ideology to support interests contrary to the United States,

5)    Even for those who bought the frauds, lies and deceit which are Global Warming and Climate Change, simple arithmetic would show that there is nothing of any consequence anyone in the west could do in the face of billions in China and India who seek western economic standards without western pollution controls.

Seeing this, most people finally came around to asking why aren’t our scientists more scientific?  Who is paying them to say that west can or should do anything if India and China do nothing?


6)    There is a strain of science spends it’s time trying to get bacteria to solve mathematical puzzles or to get ants to do string theory.   In an obscure, West German lab, a group of grad students set a couple million bacteria on the problem of finding a real and legitimate alternate dimension—and they do.  Another group got a number of huge ant farms on the problem on assembling parts for a machine to open  a doorway into that alternate dimension—and they did.  And the entire laboratory vanished from the face of the earth.    Most people will think it a hoax but it will not be.

7)    A new billionaire will emerge when he discovers how to get bacteria to mine and extract in useful form gold and other minerals from sea water and ocean sediments.

8)    It took almost 2 years to ferry the explosives across the border of Mexico into Arizona but the Obama administration was quite accommodating both on looking the other way and making sure that the state of Arizona was busy defending itself against Obama administration treason.

When everything was in place, the terrorists blew every bridge, federal building, and military installation in Arizona.  They knew who it was who help them the most so they packed each bomb with flat pieces of metal that said “Thank you President Hussein for letting us in!”  and “Strike the infidels on the neck Mr. President!”

Chairman Obama blamed the people of Arizona for the terrorist attack.  Obama called the act of asking someone what country he came from a worse crime than the holocaust.  “They asked for this to happen to them,” Obama said, “When they asked for proof of citizenship.”

“It is a grave, terrorist act to ask someone where he was born,” said Barry Soetoro, the foreign born Marxist Muslim masquerading as president of the United States.

Chairman Obama then reported Arizona to the UN for committing the horrendous crime of getting in the way of a peace loving terrorist bomb.


9)     An organization calling itself the “The Pork Liberation Front” will declare the United States to be a Pork Protectorate.  They will claim that their mission in life is to protect the United States from evil by surrounding the nation with a mystical ring of pork products.  Sort of like a magic weenie fence.   They will bury pork products at Ground Zero and at every other sacred site in America.  They will secretly try to cover every dollar in America with pork grease, pork blood and even pork feces.   Almost no one will join their disgusting group.  Dressing up like a pork chop to free America was at best a dubious proposition.  However, when they somehow successfully infiltrate the military and get their pork offal all over every bullet, gun and bomb in our arsenal that creates an international incident that gets the US military kicked out of half the world’s countries.



2011:  Year of the Metal Rabbit


2011 Prediction


2011 Forecasts and Predictions


The Shape of Things to Come

Posted via email from poetryman69's posterous

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