Sunday, November 14, 2010

Defund Communism. Cut Marxist Programs to Zero. Balance the Federal Budget

Eliminate the following or cut any funding to them to zero

1)   EPA

2)  National Endowment for the Arts

3) NPR

4)  Department of eduction

5) Homeland Security

6)  All Czars.  If congress did not advise and consent,  eliminate funding for the position.

7) All presidential findings, directives and determinations should get zero funding.  In fact the president should be held personally liable for treasonous findings, directives or determinations that reward criminals from other countries with citizenship.  If the president does indeed make a president finding of amnesty for illegal aliens this should be considered proof that he is indeed a foreign born Marxist, Muslim named Barry Soetoro and that he wants to make himself legal.  He should then, be immediately impeached for committing a treasonous high crime.


Cut the budget of the following by 50% the first year and again by 50% the second year

1)  Department of Energy

2)  Department of Commerce

3) Department of Justice (if you have money to commit treason in Arizona, you have too much money)

4) HUD


Cut these budgets by 10%

1)  Department of Defense

2)  Social Security

3)  FBI


While it is extremely important to defund Chairman Obama’s Communist Manifesto programs first, we must be even-handed.  So let’s do this:

A)  Collect all the cuts conservatives want to make

B)  Collect all the cuts communists want to make (democrats, liberals and progressives are all communists in drag)


D)  Independent audit of all federal departments, agencies and offices

E)  Independent audit of the federal reserve

F) Make it a felony for any congressmen, any senator, or any president to present, support, sign or vote for an unbalanced budget.

If the budget is balanced by any tricks whatsoever such as carry Social Security off the books or writing IOUs for Social Security, an act of impeachable treason has just been committed and every government official involved whether elected, appointed or promoted into his position is to be immediately removed from office and tried for treason.

No unfunded mandates.  No deferring payments or bills until next year.  Stop printing money.  Stop borrowing.  No quantitative easing or monetizing the debt.  Pay for it damn it.  If for whatever reason any government official says he can’t do these things he must resign or be fired.

If it’s war time or an economic emergency decide which cabinet positions and agencies of government should be sacrificed and then sacrifice them.  If you can’t think of on, it wasn’t an emergency.


Increase these budgets

1)  Border guards




Federal Budget Cuts for the Year 2012

President Barack Hussein Obama gave an ominous warning to conservatives concerning budget deliberations after the 2010 elections.   It behooves Tea Party members, conservatives and even republicans to have a budget before the first communist president in the history of the United States tries to force us into economy killing higher taxes or tries to cut the budget to troops already in the field.

Each individual and organization should develop a list of budget cuts that could be enacted.  We need $2 trillion in budget cuts to balance the budget and to begin to pay down the national debt.  We also need to find a way to keep congress from using the savings to implement some new garbage that only Karl Marx would love.

It is said that without a vision the people perish.  Our vision for the 2012 budget deliberations that will occur in 2011 should be:  Roll back socialism, Marxism, and communism.  Repeal the communist manifesto.

1)  Cut the budget of all Czars to zero.  There are various sundry definitions for czars.  One possible definition:  Anyone who reports directly to the president but who is not approved by congress.  No advice and consent, no money.

2)  Reduce the budget of  the National Endowment for the Arts to zero.

3)  Reduce the budget of the Department of Education to zero.

4)  Reduce the budget of the EPA to zero.  Revamp the EPA to explicitly remove any ability to run the economy on some sort of communist command basis.

5)  Cut all federal funding for abortions to zero even if those abortions are performed indirectly by state or local governments.  If those governments manipulate their funds so that it appears that state or local funds cover abortion so that federal funds can be spent elsewhere, cut the funding to zero.  Let them pay for what they want to do out of their own funds.

6)  Eliminate the Homeland Security Department.  This was an expensive way to solve the following problem:  Make the FBI talk to the CIA and make ICE talk to both of them.

7)  Cut funding of all kinds to illegal aliens even if the president creates a finding or an executive order to keep the illegals here.  Explicitly cut the funding to anyone who is in the US “legally” only by virtue of a presidential finding, order or other presidential act, to zero.

8)  Cut all foreign aid to zero.

9)  Cut all funding to energy initiatives, climate change initiatives, and global warming initiatives to zero.

10)  Render all recess appointments null and void the moment congress is back in session.

11)  By a majority vote any presidential finding or order is rendered null and void.

12)  Cut all  funding for new military weapons systems to zero.

13)  No new taxes

Spending Trillions while Saving Billions:  Obama’s idea of a “Balanced Budget”

Cutting the 2012 Federal Budget


$10 Trillion

How to Bankrupt a Nation

A Constellation of Idiots

Government Does not Create Wealth

Posted via email from poetryman69's posterous

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