Thursday, March 10, 2011

Alex Jones of InfoWars and Prison Planet Backs Charlie Sheen and Moammar Gadhafi

The biggest conspiracy nut on 8 planets seems to think Charlie Sheen’s rants are reasonable and Moammar Gadhafi is being smeared by evil western powers.

It is difficult to see what Alex Jones ever uses in lieu of logic.  First Jones claims that George Bush, a man who could not successfully attack a bowl of pretzels, masterminded a secret sneak attack against his own country.   Alex Jones is the high priest of the church the 9/11 Truthers and aspires now and again to be head deacon of the congregation of Birthers.

Now Alex Jones is playing head cheerleader for Charlie Sheen and Moammar Qaddafi.

Where do I start?

Somehow, it would appear that Alex Jones is not sufficiently troubled that Charlie Sheen brought drugs and porn actresses into a house with minor children.  At least he is not troubled enough to part company with Sheen’s erratic behavior.

Jones’ standards of proof and reasoning faculties are enormously puzzling.   Alex Jones has stated on air that he has seen proof that Qadhafi is not mowing his people down with military weapons.  I am not sure what kind of proof he could be seeing.  Consider the horrors that happen to refugees when they flee their home country, and run a foreign country where they are not likely to be welcome because of their sheer numbers if nothing else.  Why does Alex Jones think Libyans fled to neighboring countries.  Does he supposed they feared Qaddafi’s manly hugs and teddy bear tosses?

Alex Jones radio programs are blanketed by odd people who you have never heard of selling food, water,soap and even silver air for your lungs.   Jones claims constantly that  the United States government is deliberately poisoning and drugging the our food and water.  To protect himself  Jones only partakes of “special” consumables.

Let me see if I have this right, food and water that are constantly checked by governments, companies,  organizations and even individuals are not safe.   But Ma and Pa Bumpkiss in Podunk, Louisiana whose goods have not been checked by anyone, anywhere at any time are selling  you “special”  food and water, you eat and drink without question.

Alrighty then.  I for one think I may have found the cause of what looks like Alex Jones separation from reality.  Apparently if you breathe silver into your lungs for long enough and eat this special food and drink this arcane water over time, your reasoning faculties will lose touch with the solar system.



Google and YouTube BlackList PrisonPlanet, Alex Jones, and InfoWars


Sounds like that professional crackpot Alex Jones is picking a fight with Google and YouTube.   Wonder who will win.  Probably not a moron who talks about bringing down a building with a cigarette lighter.



Glenn Beck, Alex Jones and Jesse the Body Ventura


Alex Jones Admires Jesse Ventura’s Manliness


Alex Jones Admires Jesse Ventura’s Manliness

At last 9/11 Truther Alex Jones has put down his haterade and embraced his inner broke back!  Alex Jones openly admired the manliness of Governor Jesse Ventura’s rippling muscles on air.

But there is a turd in this punch bowl.  Enter Glenn Beck.

Glen Beck has referred to Jesse the Body Ventura as a bully.

Sounds like jealousy to me….Maybe we have a lover’s spat or a lover’s triangle here?

Alex Jones kept calling Glen Beck “effeminate”  as though Alex had secret, unfilled wishes which only Glen Beck could satisfy!

The Obama Deception

Two Truthers for President:  Twilight Zone Election

Is Ron Paul a 9-11 Truther?
Alex Jones, the Fall of the Republic, InfoWars, the Obama Conspiracy



Alex Jones claims that Obama administration is faking the October surprise terror attack

YouTube on staged terror

Savage says the first communist president of the United States, Barry Soetoro, will create a staged, false flag, terror attack


Is the election rigged.  Already?  Again?


China queered on funny money

Creating money out of thin air as Obama does, is inflationary


Has Harry Reid bought the election?

Have Dems Bought the Ballot?

Is the Fix in?


How to Bankrupt a Nation

How to Plunder a Nation

55% of likely voters know that Obama is actually a socialist

6 Things that are destroying America

Replacing the Constitution with the Communist Manifesto

Before you Vote for another democrat


Posted via email from poetryman69's posterous

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