Friday, March 4, 2011

Who Will Cost You More in 2013, Democrats or Republicans?

Actually, it may not be  rational to use political party to determine which politician would make a bigger dent in your wallet in 2013 should you vote for him in 2012.   Rather you should ask a series of questions, not of your congressman, senator or even of the president.  Instead you should interrogate their records.  In an election year, just about anything any politician says is a lie.  The reason for this is that if they told you the truth, you would refuse  to vote for them.  After all, you can’t get something for nothing but the politician you are about to vote for will tell you that you can.

Meanwhile, back at the political record…Ask history, ask the politician’s written and spoken record what was his stance on Global Warming and Climate Change.  If his record says that he believes that these two phenomenon don’t exist or that we don’t need to account for them, stop.  You have arrived at the politician who will cost you the least in 2013.  If your wallet is your guide then vote for this man.

Let us suppose that the politician in question said that Climate Change is happening or the Global Warming is real.  Your wallet just got lighter.

Suppose your politician has stated that Global warming  or Climate change are real and anthropogenic or man-made.  Half the cash in your wallet magically disappeared.

Now finally, what if your political representative is on record saying that the United States is the chief culprit in Climate Change and/or Global Warming?  Then voting for this man is akin to emptying out your entire bank account, adding to it your salary for the whole year, putting that stack of cash into a large waste can and setting fire to it.  Nor matter what your favorite politicians says with his lying lips during an election year, when there was no election and he could afford to tell the truth, he admitted that he is for an expensive carbon trading scheme that will ensure that the price of food and fuel will double.  He has to do this because he is absolutely convinced that we will all die a horrible death from Climate Change or Global Warming.  So, from his point of view, if he lies to you during an election, it is for your own good.

Do you know that at least some of that rioting in the middle east was about?   The lack of jobs and the rising cost of food.  If you vote for Congressman Climate Change or Senator Global Warming the inevitable extra expense in the cost of living will dampen the employment picture as well.  Employers will pay more to keep the lights on and the trucks fueled.  They will have less money to hire new people.  Some of the more ill-fated Global Warming initiatives such as corn-based ethanol is actually fueling riots around the world because using corn in this way is not only inefficient ill-advised and destructive, it makes food more expensive for everyone everywhere.

So we return to the question that we started with.  And now the question becomes, is one party more associated with Global Warming and Climate Change than the other?

The other day it was calculated that the average man on the earth is a 28-year-old Han Chinese male.

Not let me get this straight, given that China and India have weaker environmental controls than we do, greater populations and they are every day aspiring to our standard of living, we are supposed to believe that even in anthropogenic Climate Change was real that we are the worst culprits.   Well of course.  Everyone knows that capitalist coal pollutes and communist coal does not.


Want Cheap Gas?  Dump Democrats

How to Get Unemployment Under 3%

Communist Coal Does not Pollute



Obama has promised that he and the democrats will make energy and fuel prices skyrocket–destroying the economy, destroying jobs and doubling the price of everything starting with gas.


Posted via email from poetryman69's posterous

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