Friday, March 4, 2011

Want Cheap Gas? Dump Democrats

Whenever they think you aren’t looking and listening, liberals always conspire to raise energy and fuel prices to European levels.  They don’t like the energy you use, they don’t like your life style and they don’t like you.

Want Cheap Gas?  Dump Democrats.


Obama has promised that he and the democrats will make energy and fuel prices skyrocket–destroying the economy, destroying jobs and doubling the price of everything starting with gas.


Obama’s Energy Policies Triggers Blackouts and Power Shortages?


Alex Jones is on the conspiracy warpath again.  He seems to be claiming that it is Obama’s energy policies which caused the rolling blackouts experienced by Texas on the eve of the super bowl when our temperatures were staying below freezing even during the day time.

Well Obama did say that he would deliberately try to make reduce carbon based energy and to make the prices of that energy sky rocket.

Obama deliberately bankrupting power plants?



The science is in and the matter is settled. Just when America is barely crawling back out of a recession, President Barack Hussein Obama and his entire administration are on record saying that they intend to push forward the Climate Change and Global Warming cap and trade and carbon trading legislation. President Obama has already admitted that energy prices will skyrocket once he does this.

Can you afford to pay more money for EVERYTHING you buy? If an employer has to pay more money for every raw material he uses and the gasoline that keeps his vehicles running, do you suppose he will want to hire more people? What does your commonsense tell you?

Biofuels worse for the environment

Al Gore admits corn ethanol a mistake

Climate Change = Global Warming

The coming depression

Obama wants you to pay $7 per gallon

How to prove Global Warming and Climate Change are Hoaxes and Frauds

There has been no global warming for 15 years

NASA study proves it: Doubled C02= 1.64 degrees of warming. In other words, No catastrophe



Posted via email from poetryman69's posterous

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