Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Obama Fires the Most Missiles of Any Nobel Peace Prize Winner

There is a recall movement afoot to take back the Nobel Peace Prize of Barack Hussein Obama.  He has in Libya, fired more missiles than any other Nobel Peace Prize winner.  Some dispute this claim and counter with the assertion that the late Yasser Arafat fired more missiles.  Well if we say that Obama fired more missiles than any other living Nobel Peace Prize winner, then Obama goes to the head of that class again.

This is what comes of giving an undeserved Nobel Peace Prize way to soon.   They had to make the decision to give it to him before he was president.  At that point he was a community organizing Senator who was great at reading teleprompters.  If that’s the criteria for getting a Nobel Peace Prize then every senator should get one with a croissant at breakfast.

I don’t think they are going to be successful at rescinding that prize.  After all they’d have to take Al Gore’s away too since Global Warming and Climate Change are also hoaxes and frauds.

Since Obama is playing at faux war, and basically tell everyone that whatever is happening in Libya is not our  fault because we are trying to get someone else to take responsibility as quick as we can.  Lord knows that Barrack Hussein Obama can never be held responsible–for anything.

It is interesting to see the far right in the person of radio talk show host Michael Savage and the far left in person of alien abducted congressman Dennis the Menace, I mean Dennis Kucinich, both vehemently disagree with what Obama is doing in Libya.

It is also interesting that Obama did not ask the congress for so much as a resolution in support of his military action and instead of announcing to the American people what he was doing, Obama took the occasion of the Libyan bombing to skip town and vacation in Brazil.  But never fear, Obama did ask every foreigner he could find for permission.  He asked Muslim Nations, Arab nations,  as well as France and Germany for permission and support.  He asked the UN.

He did not ask you because what you think does not matter to him.  That is why you voted for him the first time and it is exactly why you will vote for him again.  You have always wanted a president who won’t even pretend to give a rat what you think.


One Million Guns

Posted via email from poetryman69's posterous

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