Wednesday, March 9, 2011

A Burqa for NPR

It appears that some of the ladies of NPR were so enthusiastic over the program of the Islamic Brotherhood that they rushed to attack  the adversaries of that organization without even being asked.    If we didn’t know what  to get for the women of National Public Radio for Christmas before we do now.  Every female at NPR should get a Burqa.  After all the stated goal of the Islamic Brotherhood is an establishment of an Islamic Caliphate and the instituting of  sharia law.  The women of NPR should dress properly for the world  they are working so hard to bring into being.

Did I say Christmas?  Let me apologize to the ultra, ultra leftists of NPR.   I know you must all be traumatized by being mentioned in the same breath as the notion of say:  Christ’s birth.  Let me sooth your Marxist anxieties and change what I said into Winter festival.


I know that NPR hates me.  I have known this for years.  I am annoyed about the notion of  having to pay for this privilege.  If only the conservatives in the House of Representatives where not such cowards and A-holes.  If you are going to shut down the government do so now.  No political hack in his right mind would shut down the government in an election year such as 2012.  2011 is your last, best chance.  We need a trillion dollar cut in the budget starting with National Public Radio.  We know that neither the arch socialist Harry Reid nor the communist in chief, Barack Hussein Obama will go along with a trillion dollar cut.  Don't compromise.  Let the money run out.  They must blink.  And so what if they don't?   They need a trillion deficit to institute Marxism.  You don't.


Obama Cuts Another President’s Budget


Isn’t convenient that after wasting trillions of dollars in payoffs to political allies, that when it comes time to save money Obama always makes some other president take the cuts 10 years from now.  Obama had absolutely no difficulty in signing budgets which produced deficits of  a $1 trillion a year and more in his administration but when it comes to cuts, he can only find the odd billion here and there.

Never trust a politician who is eager to cut his successors budget but reluctant to cut his own.


Spending Trillions while Saving Billions:  Obama’s idea of a “Balanced Budget”

Cutting the 2012 Federal Budget


$10 Trillion

How to Bankrupt a Nation

A Constellation of Idiots

Government Does not Create Wealth

Posted via email from poetryman69's posterous

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