Saturday, March 26, 2011

Teenage Mutant Ninja Hamsters

It would seem that the absence of French Military victories is not enough to occupy the Gallic mind.  Apparently there are a group of free French who fear the plight of endangered rodents.  The  Great Hamster of Alsace has found a champion and will live to gnaw another day. So from this day forward there should be no more dalliance with muskrats.  It’s hamster love that you’re hankering for.  Just admit it.

By the way the mean people say this hamster can be a foot long and it bites.  Oh well….

Hampered by a Hamster




Zombie Fungus Eats Ant Brains

Zombie Ant Fungus.

I find it add and fascinating that there exist fungi in nature that so take over the bodies of their living hosts that the creatures become like zombies.

Zombie snails

In fact, as I recall, there is a parasite that takes over snails and not only makes them zombies that do the will of the parasite but the zombified snails will actually advertise their presence to their enemies because the parasites need to get into the gut of a bird to continue their life cycle.   Brings new meaning to the term “Eat me.”


Brain Eating Zombies

By poetryman69

Let me first stipulate that when I am talking about putrid, flesh eating ghouls I am not talking about Rush Limbaugh or Michael Moore.

No brains eaten here!

Putrid Zombies

You did what to a human head?

I like the chain saws


Wiki Zombieland

Unmasking H1N1 Swine Flu

H1N1 Swine Flu and other Health Concerns

Eating the Hand Sanitizer

Don’t call it Swine Flu

No Paid Sick Leave


A Constellation of Idiots

It is Better to be Drunk than Wasted

Texas Toast


Zombie bankers steal your money and eat your face!

By poetryman69

Zombie bankers steal your money and eat your face!

What the hell is Z-Day?  The most interesting description appears to be Zombie day.  Kind of like when the Zombies rise from the grave and eat some people.  Some Commies seem to think it’s Chairman Obama Day and slackers think it’s a day to going slack.  But Slackers always think that.

Zombie Day

Z Day Game

Did the Zombies get him?

Z Day 2010

Zeitgeist Day

Zeitgeist Day 2010

Zeitgeist the Movie

21 December 2012

Golf Balls Killed the Loch Ness Monster

2012 the movie

Scientific Serendipity


Naked Vacation

Sacred Geometries

It is better to be drunk than wasted

Black moon rising

Flat Earth

Attack of the Gray Goo

Celebrate 090909

Dictionary of Dreams


Z-Day 12/21/2012. Zombie Day. The Final Zeitgeist.

By poetryman69

When will the earth stop being invaded by Imbeciles from the planet Moron?  To punish us for the evil way we have destroyed the earth, Imbeciles from the planet moron destroy us in a particularly evil way.

For that matter, why are the robots we create in movies dumb as a box of rocks?  We breathe, eat, sleep, reproduce and eliminate wastes.  A robot with a decent power source doesn’t have to do any of that.  Unless we put the brains of idiots into our robots, the last thing they would try to do if they wanted to get rid of us is to try to pick up a gun and shoot us.  Or to try to hit us with something.  Even if they really hated us what a smart robot might do is nothing.   Given enough time we are likely to wipe out ourselves so why should they bother.

Consider a robot with a little more impatience, let’s say one that was acting under some sort of biological imperative–maybe those space Imbeciles from the planet Moron programmed it.    It has any number of ways to wipe us out without direct confrontation.  Poison the air,food or water.  Change the average temperature of  the surface of the earth by 100 degrees–in either direction.

Or maybe it happens like this:  Imbeciles from the planet moron land on the planet, steal some human skin from some now dead humans and observe us for a few centuries.  They decide they really don’t like us–besides, human skin really itches.  So they create some nano robots and send them back to the past to wipe us out.  Why use a time machine and send the nanobots back to the past? Well they never liked us much back then either.

Okay then, the nanobots could create a plague that would immediately wipe us all out but that would make this movie end too soon.  Besides, where the hell are the freakin’ Zombies?

I’m getting to that.

So the first things the nanobots do is reproduce.  They build copies of themselves.  When they build enough nano goo and then they steal some human skin.  The imbeciles from the planet moron hate human skin but they love stealing it.  Go figure.

Now that they look like humans the nanobots infiltrate every terrorist cell on earth and they begin influencing the terrorists to build dirty bombs and bio weapons.  The terrorists will set everything off on 21 December 2012.  They will wipe out humanity and enjoy 70 odd virgins all on the same day.

So the first wave of bio-weapons turns every human who inhales them into flesh eating Zombies.  And like good Zombies everywhere. Once they’ve eaten your skin, they eat your brains.

Let’s see, after that, the nanobots release a flesh wasting diseases that turn the remaining Zombies into goo.  Then the nanobots set off the enough nukes to catch the atmosphere on fire.  The smoke and ash from that fire blanket the earth and bring on another ice age.  The nanobots like the cold.  They take over and wait for the imbeciles from the planet moron to show up.  The nanobots have grown sentient and they have decided they really, don’t like imbeciles from the planet moron.  But they do like stealing their skins…




Digital Zombies, Cyber Zombies, Digital Cyber Zombies


When is the last time you changed any of your passwords on the internet?  If the answer is never, don’t be surprised if you wake up one day and all your accounts are empty.  This is especially true if you made your passwords easy to remember.


Digital Death Penalty

By poetryman69Digital Death

7 Deadly Cyber Sins

Digital Death Penalty

How to Avoid 7 Deadly Cyber Sins

How to Commit Cyber Suicide

Hoaxes and Frauds

Zeitgest:  Zombie Bankers steal your money and eat your Face!

Sham Wow:  The Snuggee Warrior

Dick Cheney as FUtus of BORG

Dictionary of Dreams




Posted via email from poetryman69's posterous

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